
Law Commencement student speaker succeeds despite personal trials

Though John Brown’s heart is set on a future in trial law after he graduates from the St. Mary’s University School of Law this week, he will take across the commencement stage the personal trials that have been part of his journey — the loss of his brother and father.

NFL agent has represented more than 400 players

Jordan Woy (J.D. ’87) negotiated his first major league contract while attending St. Mary’s University School of Law. The contract was for now-retired Major League Baseball left fielder Pete Incaviglia, making Incaviglia one of a handful of players to ever get a major league contract straight out of college.

Law student launches workshop for adults with disabilities and their families

For most people, adulthood is a seamless transition. When someone turns 18 in Texas, in the eyes of the law they can sign a contract, make their own medical decisions, get married and vote, among many other things.

Former college footballer leads discussions on sports law, legal civility

Professor of Law David Grenardo, J.D., invites students to pray before class. At the end of the prayer, he asks them to treat each other with dignity and respect.

St. Mary’s Law Journal celebrates 50th year

For the past 50 years, the St. Mary’s Law Journal has been punching well above its weight class, becoming one of the most influential legal journals in the nation.

LL.M. graduate fulfills his calling to help immigrants

His father worried when Andrei Aranda (LL.M. ’17) told him he was leaving home to further his legal education in the United States. Aranda, who grew up in Chihuahua, Mexico, was already trained as an attorney there but felt a calling to help Mexican and Latin American immigrants navigate the complex U.S. immigration system.

Assistant AG sets legal precedent in Saipan

When Jonathan Robert “Robby” Glass Jr. graduated from the St. Mary’s University School of Law in 2012, the last place he thought he would end up was on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

D.C. attorney wields sanctions expertise

From his sanctions law practice perched on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C., Erich Ferrari (J.D. ’06) is always upfront with his clients, even if he knows they won’t always be happy with what he has to say.

Fourth Court Chief Justice leads statewide committee of chief justices

In her first year of study at the St. Mary’s University School of Law, Chief Justice Sandee Bryan Marion (J.D. ’80) of the Fourth Court of Appeals almost dropped out. She had awful anxiety about public speaking.

Law Assistant Dean races in every state

After finishing his first marathon in 2002, St. Mary’s University School of Law Assistant Dean Mike Barry, J.D., swore he would never run another.

Professor leads law students in immigration courts, detention centers

Arguing cases in immigration court. Visiting clients detained by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Filing court motions. Building evidence. Reuniting families.

Runaway carnival worker becomes attorney of international reputation

Dallas-based attorney John Barr keeps a few things on his desk: his mother’s cards, photos of his daughter, a photo of St. Louis Hall and a card from the late Rev. Louis Reile, S.M. (B.A. ’49), a former Associate Professor of English at St. Mary’s University.

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