
Marianist ideals draw Bangladeshi priest to LL.M. Program

In his religious quest to assist those most in need of peace and law ministry in his home country of Bangladesh, a missionary priest found himself at the perfect place to continue his education — St. Mary’s University School of Law.

Visiting Scholar from China shares observations on studying law in Texas

Yun Weixiao, a law professor from China, offers insights from her year as a Visiting Scholar at the St. Mary's University School of Law.

School of Law graduate from the RGV finds support during J.D. studies

When it came to picking a major, Hannah Orendain (J.D. ’24) had to decide between following in her father’s footsteps by becoming an attorney, or going to medical school.

Former TV journalist chooses career in law

Max Massey was a man between two worlds — one foot in broadcasting and the other in law school. It wasn’t long before he had to make a choice, cementing his decision to jump feet first into a career in law.

St. Mary’s Law clinic students help keep our community housed

Eviction prevention is the focus of the St. Mary's University School of Law Consumer Protection Clinic and the Real Estate Clinic.

Associate Dean makes humanitarian causes her career mission

St. Mary's Law Associate Dean Ramona Lampley inspired much of her legal work on preventing forced labor in international supply chains.

Military veteran turns legal interest into second career

Using his military mindset and 20 years experience as a combat medic in the United States Army, David Louis would excel in his studies as he made the leap to St. Mary’s School of Law.

Urban litigator brings small-town values to practice

Julia Mann (J.D. ’94) has held just about every job one could have at a law firm. She is the managing partner of Jackson Walker LLP’s San Antonio office and as a high school student, worked at the law firm of her father's office in Lake Jackson.

Law alumnus goes from academic struggles to top Dallas attorney

After his first semester at St. Mary’s Law, C. Gregory Shamoun’s GPA was below what was required to continue. Undeterred, Shamoun not only raised his GPA, but graduated and became a sought-after attorney in Dallas.

Law alumnus founds environmental clean-up nonprofit

Tyler J. Ryska (J.D. ’17), an Austin-based attorney, founded a new environmental clean-up nonprofit, The Clean Initiative Project.

Alumnus leads international legal transactions in Mexico, philanthropic efforts at home

Many may see Alex Pérez (J.D. ’96) as an international attorney, a tax law expert or a leader in San Antonio’s philanthropic efforts as the San Antonio Area Foundation’s board chair. But he views himself, fundamentally, as an interpreter.

School of Law graduate aims to become a military attorney  

December School of Law graduate Meagan Folmar (J.D. ’23) plans to join the United States Army Judge Advocate General’s Corps.

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