Arts and Humanities
Cycling for Literacy
Her first job was at age 9, riding her bike to sell eggs from her family’s farm to neighbors. Her second job was at age 14, working in a library, shelving books and taking care of the card catalog.
The Music Man
On a warm fall day, a group of young men and women casually gathered near the Quad on the St. Mary’s University campus and began playing impromptu beats on a variety of percussion instruments. They soon drew a crowd.
Rattler represents the nation
Last summer, Courtney Keif traveled more than 6,100 miles from St. Mary’s University to pursue her passion for learning about foreign military practices and culture. The junior Criminal Justice major and Military Science minor was one of 1,300 cadets to participate in the Cultural Understanding and Language Proficiency program (CULP) in 2016.
A Sacred Duty
For 71 years, French citizens in the small village of Orsan have been celebrating the memory of an American fighter pilot who died in a crash there during World War II. They waited for a chance to give a section of his blood-stained, green silk parachute to his family.
Actions Reflect Passion
Kathleen Gallagher, Ph.D., has lived a life filled with adventure — and a bit of danger. She spent seven years trekking around Nepal, lived through a strong earthquake there and once witnessed her Nepalese classmates being arrested during a major political shakedown.
Alumna continues to live out the mission of Teach For America
Before becoming a full-time special education teacher, Lori Mayfield (B.B.A. ’12) was actively involved in the St. Mary’s University community and a part of the Greehey Scholars Program.
Professor Fills Gaps in Children’s Literature
When St. Mary’s professor and writer-in-residence, Diane Gonzales-Bertrand’s children were growing up, she realized she couldn’t find many children’s books her family could identify with.
Community Reading Experience Attracts Over 200 Attendees
This year the English and Communications Studies department decided to take an alternate approach to the annual Community Reading Experience (CRE), spearheaded by Melissa Scully, Visiting Lecturer of English and Communication Studies and Kathleen Maloney, Ph.D., Chair and Associate Professor of English and Communication Studies.
St. Mary’s English Professor Named Finalist
St. Mary’s University English Professor Diane Gonzales Bertrand was named a finalist at the Writers’ League of Texas Book Awards for her book of poetry, Dawn Flower.
International Relations Professor Delivers Lectures Around the World
When St. Mary’s Professor of International Relations, Larry Hufford, Ph.D., is not teaching, he spends much of his time working with several international peace research and peace education organizations.
Bland and Disinterested
Aesthetics is an area of philosophy that examines the creation and appreciation of art and beauty. But what’s a philosopher to think about a culture that values artistic blandness?
St. Mary’s graduates promote ties between the U.S. and Japan
St. Mary’s graduates, Carlie Mathews (B.A. ’14) and Charles Lopez (B.A. ’14) have been accepted to the Japanese Exchange Teaching (JET) Program, which aims at promoting ties between Japan and other countries by hiring native English speakers from all over the world to assist public school teachers in Japan.
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Biology major looks at healing in holistic way
Nadia Abdulbaki has always been fascinated with the medical field and helping others since childhood. That's why the Biology major and member of the St. Mary's University Honors Program hopes to go into the medical field after graduation.
Online MBA student believes in the transformative power of entrepreneurship
Ben Hodge’s growth as an entrepreneur has roots in his family tree that has branched into his second year as a student in the Online MBA for Professionals program at the St. Mary’s University Greehey School of Business.
New labs and programs offer a wellspring for innovation in St. Mary’s health care education
The new Nursing Program at St. Mary's University, along with other new and revamped degrees in Public Health, Medical Humanities, and Exercise and Sport Science, further the University's mission of teaching holistic health.