Arts and Humanities
Graduate student translates The Odyssey into American Sign Language
In Greece in the eighth century B.C., Homer began composing an epic poem, The Odyssey, which would become one of history’s most influential pieces of literature.
Spanish professor helps immigrants in San Antonio through innovative course
Of 2.3 million people living in San Antonio, more than 295,000 are immigrants, and about 175,000 are potentially at risk of deportation, according to the Vera Institute of Justice.
Big Solve: Educating Beyond the Test
This year, a former student, now a middle school teacher, approached me about a pupil who had confided in him about having thoughts of self-harm. This was not the first time I heard the issue of mental stress in teenagers.
Some books to keep you company this summer
Tired of being cooped up indoors this summer? Here’s a list of Rattler reads to keep you company — books recently written by our very own St. Mary’s University alumni, professors and staff.
English Instructor champions Mexican American studies in University, K-12 schools
Every semester, Margaret Cantú-Sanchez, Ph.D. (B.A. ’06, M.A. ’07), hears students say, “I’ve never read anything by a Mexican American author.” While this shocks her, it is an all too common experience among educators, even in a city as diverse as San Antonio, which is 64% Latino.
New Collaboratory draws History students together to study digital humanities
A study space called the Collaboratory, located on the fifth floor in Chaminade Tower at St. Mary’s University, is bringing together budding minds in the Department of History.
Faculty excellence propels St. Mary’s to be the finest
Faculty excellence drives the successful outcomes for students and the St. Mary’s University community. The short story and quotes below illuminate how faculty members continue to shine through gifts to The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign.
Spend your summer with St. Mary’s authors
Have a little free time this summer? Spend your time catching up on Rattler reads — books written by St. Mary’s University alumni, professors and staff.
Psychology professor contributes to child autism research in Zambia
Jillian Pierucci, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, wants to make the world a more inclusive place — especially through her research in autism awareness, which has brought her more than once to Africa.
Alumna fills in cultural gaps with children’s books – and brings Coco from the big screen to young readers
As a child, Diana López (B.A. ’90) loved to immerse herself in the world of books. But she noticed early on that the characters in the books didn’t look like her or share her last name.
Triplet music grads give back through music
Four years ago and nearly 9,000 miles from San Antonio, the Moipei triplets — Marta, Magdalene (Maggy) and Mary — made the decision to attend St. Mary’s University. “By coming here, I feel like we changed the course of our future,” Maggy said.
Learn to TEACH to Learn
St. Mary’s University Associate Professor Camille Langston, Ph.D., has made a career of teaching college students to develop critical thinking and writing skills that will allow them to succeed after graduation.
Read More Stories
Biology major looks at healing in holistic way
Nadia Abdulbaki has always been fascinated with the medical field and helping others since childhood. That's why the Biology major and member of the St. Mary's University Honors Program hopes to go into the medical field after graduation.
St. Mary’s alumni lead State Bar of Texas
Leadership and service are woven into the fabric of St. Mary’s University, so it’s no surprise two alumni have helmed the State Bar of Texas.
New labs and programs offer a wellspring for innovation in St. Mary’s health care education
The new Nursing Program at St. Mary's University, along with other new and revamped degrees in Public Health, Medical Humanities, and Exercise and Sport Science, further the University's mission of teaching holistic health.