
Executive Council

Authorizes Release:

Vice President for Student Development

Responsible Area:

Student Development

Review Cycle:

Annually or as required

Last Review:

September 2024

Related Policies and Additional References:


Policy Summary:

St. Mary’s University recognizes that there may be times when a qualified student with a documented disability may need to reduce their course load to meet disability-related needs. This policy aligns with the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, which establishes that exceptions to standard registration course loads and expectations can be made on a case-by-case basis as a reasonable accommodation, allowing the student to maintain full-time student status at a lower course load. 


Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act and the Americans with Disabilities Act stipulates that reasonable and appropriate modifications to student expectations should be made provided the individual requesting such modifications can indicate the presence of disability-related rationale that limits a major life activity. 


This policy covers all St. Mary’s University Undergraduate students.

The Office of Student Accessibility Services will determine through an interactive consultation whether a student is eligible to take a reduced course load as an accommodation for a documented disability on a semester-by-semester basis. The consultation will include a review of appropriate documentation and other supportive materials for the request. 

Guidelines for Reduced Course Load:

A reduced course load is less than twelve (12) credit hours per semester for undergraduate students as indicated in the St. Mary’s University Course Catalog.

Under no circumstances will a reduced course load be recommended for credit hours totaling less than half-time (<6 hours) due to implications that would affect a student’s eligibility to receive financial aid.

Federal Pell Grant or state aid that would have to be reduced due to not being full-time will be supplemented by institutional aid.  The maximum amount of supplemental aid would be the amount of Pell or state grant the student is eligible for at full-time status.  Any merit or other institutional awards that require full-time status will be prorated for the actual hours attending.

A reduced course load does not apply to or exempt a qualified student from meeting satisfactory academic progress requirements established by the University or department/degree program. This would include the Dean’s List and some scholarships.  Students should consult with their academic adviser to ensure they are meeting these standards. 

Students are strongly encouraged to request a reduced course load as an accommodation before the first week and no later than the 12th class day of any semester. Student Accessibility Services (SAS) will facilitate and consult with the office(s)* that could significantly affect the arrangement of campus services before reducing their course load to protect their services from being affected by any potential impact. Student Accessibility Services will then provide the student with a letter certifying that the reduced course load is valid ADA accommodation.

A letter in support of a reduced course load accommodation from SAS (Student Accessibility Services) will not override the policies of any agency, office, or department.

*Including, but not limited to, the Office of the Registrar, Financial Aid, International Student Services, Residential Life, Health Services, etc.

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