
Executive Council

Authorizes Release:

Vice President for Administration and Finance

Responsible Area:

Human Resources

Review Cycle:

Annually or as required

Last Review:

September 2021

Related Policies and Additional References:

The CLSJ, which includes the Law School Clinical, Pro Bono and Externship Programs, receives funds through the Texas Access to Justice Foundation (TAJF). The TAJF has updated its grant eligibility policy with a stricter definition of “Relative” than that used by the University. Under the terms of the grant, CLSJ employees and contractors must follow this stricter definition.

For purposes of this policy, “relative” includes a former or current spouse, child, parent, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, first cousin, nephew, niece, in-law, step relative, domestic partner (persons whose lives are interdependent and who share a common residence) and domestic partner’s daughter or son. An employee who becomes a relative while employed with the CLSJ is subject to this policy.

With respect to the CLSJ, no person shall be hired, employed or contracted with if they are a relative of a member of the University Board of Trustees, CLSJ Executive positions, University or Law School Finance Executive positions, University Human Resources Executive positions or comparable positions within the University with different working titles yet performing substantially similar functions.

Approved EC 24 August 2021

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