
Executive Council

Authorizes Release:

Vice President for Administration and Finance

Responsible Area:

Facilities Services

Review Cycle:

Annually or as required

Last Review:

March 2021

Related Policies and Additional References:



This document provides guidance to the Directors and staff of the University Center (UC) and Alumni Athletics & Convocation Center (AACC) when performing maintenance and repair activities to ensure personnel safety and reduce the risk of University non-compliance to Environmental Health and Safety standards.


The University Center (UC) and Alumni Athletics & Convocation Center (AA&CC) staff performs housekeeping and limited maintenance and repair of their assigned facilities. However, neither the staff nor the supervisors have reporting responsibility to Facilities, and these employees may not be receiving essential training to ensure compliance with environmental, health and safety requirements with which the University must comply


This document applies to the University Center (UC) and Alumni Athletics & Convocation Center (AA&CC) Directors and staff responsible for managing or performing maintenance and repair in the UC and AA&CC buildings.

Reference Documents

  • Environmental Protection Procedures Orientation Presentation
  • University Safety Orientation Presentation
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Training
  • EPA/OSHA/Safety Training Schedule – 2011


  • To ensure personnel safety and awareness of all applicable policies and procedures, Facilities Services for a required list of tasks and duties.
  • Refer to the EPA/OSHA/Safety Training schedule for dates and location of the required training.


It is the responsibility of all personnel managing and/or performing maintenance activities in the UC or AA&CC to comply with this Policy.


All UC or AA&CC personnel responsible for managing and/or performing maintenance in the UC or AA&CC buildings shall read and review this policy, attend University Safety Orientation, Environmental Protection Procedures Orientation, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Training, and training on specific areas.

Record Keeping

Records of all personnel training will be maintained by the Facilities Services Office.

Records of certifications and any additional training relevant to the safety and process of performing maintenance in the UC and AA&CC buildings will be maintained by the UC and AA&CC Directors, and made available upon request by Facilities.

Records of all maintenance requests for the UC and AA&CC buildings will be maintained by the Facilities Services Office.

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