
Executive Council

Authorizes Release:

Chief of Staff for the President

Responsible Area:

Athletics Office

Review Cycle:

Annually or as required

Last Review:

May 2024

Related Policies and Additional References:


The NCAA has established a set maximum number of contests or dates of competition in which a team or individual may participate. Yearly schedules for each sport shall be submitted to the Athletics Director and Compliance Officer for approval.

Maximum Number of Contests / Playing Dates per NCAA
Baseball50 contests
Basketball26 contests
Golf21 dates of competition
Soccer18 contests, 5 dates of competition
Softball56 contests
STUNT16 dates of competition
Tennis25 dates overall, 7 individual/doubles tournaments
Volleyball26 dates, 4 dates of competition

Conference schedules will be determined by the conference and respective coaches committee. Non-conference contests will be scheduled by the head coach with the approval of the Athletics Director. Final approval of all schedules is the responsibility of the Athletics Director.

The following should be considered when scheduling competitions:

  • Be knowledgeable of other sports schedules and avoid conflicts on home contests.
  • Consider transportation availability and cost when multiple teams are away at the same time.
  • Refer to the master schedule on the Athletics website.
  • The number of contests may be limited by the Athletics Director or respective Associate Athletics Director with sport oversight.

Regular season schedules shall not result in extended or excessive absences from classes. Most extended trips should be scheduled between semesters or during vacation periods.

If possible, head coaches should attempt to schedule to play at home for such all-campus events as Homecoming, Parent’s Day, etc.

The Compliance Officer will email faculty of each student-athlete who is in-season detailing the university class attendance policy and the dates in which the student-athlete will miss for a university sanctioned event. The Compliance Officer will email weekly reminders to the student-athletes’ professors throughout the semester.

The Athletics Department may limit the participation of any student-athlete who is in academic difficulty or misses classes for reasons not related to athletics participation (i.e., injury, illness, other extenuating circumstances). Such decisions may be made by the head coach and/or Athletics Director.

Game Schedules, Daily and Competition Facility Scheduling, and Practices

All facility scheduling NOT related to athletic contests against an opposing team should be submitted directly to the Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations. If facility availability can be confirmed, Athletics will work with Facility Services on all practice/camp schedules and work directly with teams and coaches on a daily basis to ensure practices demands/needs are being met.

Athletic competitions will receive priority scheduling. In order to receive priority, a “tentative” schedule must be submitted six months from the first day of allowable competition and a “final” schedule submitted at minimum of three months out.

If certain days are needed to host a home event or tournament, your tentative schedule should indicate a hold for that day or series of days for that event. Once the actual dates are solidified by the three-month deadline, unused dates will be released and the actual date will be locked for your competition. Once final game schedules have been submitted, holds will be released. Game times are NOT necessary for holding or booking dates, but should be submitted to the Director of Operations as soon as they have been determined and contracted.

Non-Championship Scheduling

For non-championship events, a “final” schedule should be submitted 30 days in advance to Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations.

Approval must be granted by Director of Athletics and/or the respective sport administrator prior to confirming event with referees and visiting team. Non-championship events must adhere to NCAA non-championship guidelines, requirement of on-duty athletic trainer for on-campus events and facility availability and preparation. Any non-championship event scheduled without approval of listed administrative parties will NOT be permitted.

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