
Executive Council

Authorizes Release:

Chief of Staff for the President

Responsible Area:

Athletics Office

Review Cycle:

Annually or as required

Last Review:

May 2024

Related Policies and Additional References:


Initial Eligibility

  • The certification of eligibility for each prospective student-athlete may begin as early as the beginning of the National Letter of Intent signing period.
  • When processing a National Letter of Intent request, the Compliance Officer compiles all required documentation and forwards the packet(s) to the Office of Financial Assistance for signature. Then the packets are sent out by the Compliance Officer.
  • After signing, these prospective student-athletes are monitored by the Compliance Officer through the NCAA Eligibility Center and receipt of transcripts/test scores.
  • Once a PSA has applied for admission to the university, their information (high school transcripts, test scores, class rank, FAFSA, etc.) are continually updated according to university procedures for all prospective students.
  • Projected rosters for the upcoming academic year are to be submitted by each Head Coach to the Compliance Officer by June 1. These rosters should include the names and identification number for each returning student-athlete and prospective student-athlete that is expected to participate in the upcoming academic year. The Compliance Officer will distribute this information to the Office of Financial Assistance, Admissions Office, and Registrar’s Office.
  • Admission status (Admissions), financial aid eligibility (Financial Assistance), and NCAA Eligibility Center status (Compliance Officer) are continually monitored throughout the summer by the respective offices.
  • A final eligibility form is generated from CAi and circulated to the Athletics Director, Head Coach, and Faculty Athletics Representative.
  • The eligibility form for each sport shall be completed prior to the team’s first date of outside competition.

NCAA Eligibility Checklist

Student-athletes will not be placed on the roster in Compliance Assistant until after attending the initial-squad meeting. The LSC Eligibility Checklist Confirmation page must be signed and submitted to the LSC prior to competing in outside competition (championship or non-championship). The Associate AD/Internal Operations will request signatures on all documents initially and whenever changes/updates are made. It is the responsibility of the head coach to review the Eligibility Checklist for accuracy prior to signing the confirmation page.

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