Executive Council
Authorizes Release:
Chief of Staff for the President
Responsible Area:
Athletics Office
Review Cycle:
Annually or as required
Last Review:
May 2024
Related Policies and Additional References:
The financial aid appeals committee, as chosen by the Director of Financial Assistance, is responsible for hearing all financial aid appeals regarding reduction or cancellation of athletics financial aid. The committee consists of two staff members of the financial assistance office, one of which will chair the hearing, two faculty members, and a member of the student affairs staff. The director of financial assistance and the athletics compliance officer will be non-voting participants.
Committee Actions
The financial aid appeals committee shall take the follow action:
- If the financial aid appeals committee finds that the decision to reduce, cancel, or not renew aid is not a violation of the rules, regulations or institutional policies and no extenuating circumstances are present, the appeal is denied.
- If the financial aid appeals committee finds that the decision to reduce, cancel or not renew aid is a violation of the rules, regulation and institutional policies, the appeal is immediately approved. The athletics-related aid is restored.
- If the extenuating circumstances are present, the committee may reinstate a portion or all of the athletics-related aid.