Authorizes Release:
Responsible Area:
Review Cycle:
Last Review:
Related Policies and Additional References:
General Facilities and Maintenance
The head coach and the Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations have a dual responsibility for the security, maintenance, cleanliness and initiation of work orders for all facilities assigned to his/her team. Requests for maintenance and/or repairs should be reported to the Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations or the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations. Additionally, the online request form can be submitted by a staff member and should be done as soon as the need for service is detected. Please do not make any physical alterations to any buildings, facilities or areas within them without first contacting the Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations or the University Facilities Department.
All keys are issued to and signed out to individuals by Facility Services. An authorization form signed by the Director of Athletics is required. More than one set of keys may be issued to an individual. If head coaches want volunteer assistants, graduate assistants, or team managers to have keys, they must be signed out to the head coach. You are responsible for all keys issued to you. Coaches and staff may not share keys with non-employees and student-athletes.
All additional sets of keys must be returned to the head coach at the end of each academic year. No keys will be issued to non-employees. Keys that are lost may be replaced by paying the charges to have them duplicated or for re-keying, whichever is necessary. Duplication of keys reading “do not duplicate” is not permitted.
Each staff member, sport or department will be provided a mailbox located in the break room. This box is to be checked daily as to mail will be placed in this box. Removal of items from these boxes is to be done only by individuals authorized by the box owner.
- Money or checks are not to be left in the mailbox of the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations. Money is also not to be left on the Business Manager’s desk. Money is to be secured under lock and is the responsible of the staff member until which time the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations personally accepts the money and places it in locked location. (If the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations is not available, contact the Assistant Director of Athletics for Facilities and Operations.)
All full-time athletic department staff members are assigned an office phone number. Student-athletes are prohibited from using athletic phones to make personal long distance or international calls in most cases.
Voicemail: The university phone system is set up so that each phone can be programmed to give and record messages.
Office Number: Staff members are to give out their own phone extensions and NOT the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations extension.
Personal Calls: Personal use of university phones is permissible. However, charges in excess of the services being provided will be personally charged to the user unless there is proof that these charges are for necessary university use.
Mass mailings for fund-raising activities, recruiting, and sports camps will be charged back to the account assigned for that specific activity. All mailings must have a memorandum from the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations attached with the following information: account number 111001-11201-71702-50.
The use of university supplies, facilities, fields and equipment for purposes other than that for which they are specifically intended is prohibited. However, permission to use any of the above items, in some cases, may be granted by the Director of Athletics if it conforms to university policy. Any staff member who uses the last of any community supply is required to notify the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations.
Computer Policy
Each full-time coach and staff member will be issued a computer. If there are additional computers available, they will be issued to graduate assistants or volunteers. Requests for computer upgrades should be submitted to the Assistant Director Athletics for Administration and Business Operations, and will undergo and internal approval process to determine when upgraded equipment will be purchased and issued.
Printer, Copier and Fax
The athletic department copier, printers and fax machines are for official University business. Personal use is not permitted. No students or personal business use is allowed.
Equipment and Inventory
Only student-athletes who have been cleared medically and academically and deemed an official member of their team’s roster may have equipment issued. The student-athlete is responsible for all equipment issued to him/her. If uniforms, practice gear, shoes, sports medicine equipment are lost or stolen, the student-athlete will be required to pay for the replacement of the equipment if a replacement is necessary. At the conclusion of the season, all issued equipment that is deemed necessary to return (for example, uniforms) must be returned, regardless of condition, within a time established by the head coach.
The coaching staff and/or an Athletics Administration designee will keep accurate records of equipment distribution. It is also their responsibility to issue equipment at the beginning of the season and collect necessary equipment at the conclusion of the season. Immediately following each sport season, the coaching staff will again work with Athletics Administration to inventory all uniforms, practice gear, supplies, and general equipment pertinent to his or her program. Coaches must be actively involved in ensuring that all university property is returned.
Following practices and competitions, it is the head coach’s responsibility to make sure all game/practice equipment is picked up and returned to the proper secure storage area.
The head coach will compile a list of all equipment and supplies needed for the following season, and the Assistant Athletics Director for Facilities and Operations will meet with each coach to discuss equipment needs for the upcoming year. It is the head coach’s responsibility to ensure such purchases of equipment fit into their team’s approved budget.
Only gear issued by the StMU Athletics Department will be laundered. Each coach is responsible for his/her laundry. The coach or the coach’s designee may delegate laundry room duties. Varsity uniforms will be stored in the laundry room cage, which is to remain locked at all times. When out-of-season, uniforms can be stored in storage cages in the gym. It is strongly advised that the washing be overseen by an assistant coach, graduate assistant or team manager, and that student-athletes not be asked to take their uniforms home for washing; if in fact the student-athletes are asked to handle their laundry and something is damaged, it will be the coach’s financial responsibility to handle all replacements.