Authorizes Release:
Responsible Area:
Review Cycle:
Last Review:
Related Policies and Additional References:
The Compliance Officer will flag students as active student-athletes in SGASPRT (BANNER system). Updates will be made as needed.
The process of certifying eligibility for continuing student-athletes will begin when final grades are posted at the conclusion of the spring semester.
Projected rosters for the upcoming academic year are to be submitted by each Head Coach to the Compliance Officer from June to August. These rosters should include the names and identification number for each returning student-athlete and prospective student-athlete that is expected to participate in the upcoming academic year. The Compliance Officer will distribute this information to the Office of Financial Assistance, Admission Office, Housing, and Academic Advising.
Course schedules, grade point average, academic standing, and progress toward degree are all tracked in the Graduation Planning System (GPS).
The Compliance Officer, in conjunction with the FAR, reviews the record of each continuing student-athlete in GPS and inputs the information in CAi.
The Director of Financial Assistance verifies the financial aid status of all continuing student-athletes and the Associate Athletics Director for Compliance and Internal Operations inputs the information in CAi.
Prior to the first date of competition, the Compliance Officer, Director of Athletics, Head Coach and FAR will review the eligibility information in CAi and sign the Lone Star Conference Eligibility Signature Page.
- Copies of the eligibility forms are sent to the Lone Star Conference.
- Full-time enrollment is verified through the Argos system. If student-athlete drops below full-time, the Head Coach is notified immediately that participation is no longer permissible.
- After grades have been posted following the fall academic term, the Compliance Officer reviews the record of each student-athlete in GPS to verify the 9-hour rule, academic standing, and any midyear certifications (as needed). Upon the conclusion of this process, the FAR will be updated on any academic concerns.
- If a student-athlete is found to become ineligible or becomes eligible, the Director of Athletics is notified immediately. The Head Coach will then be made aware of the status change.
- The Compliance Officer will send updated eligibility forms to the Lone Star Conference.
To be eligible to represent StMU in athletic competition, an undergraduate student-athlete shall maintain progress toward a degree.
The application of progress-toward-degree requirements:
- Good academic standing within the university
- Completion of at least nine degree-applicable hours in previous term of full-time enrollment
- Earning 24 hours each academic year
- Designation of degree program: All student-athletes beginning their fifth full-time semester and thereafter
- Maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA