
Executive Council

Authorizes Release:

Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

Responsible Area:

Academic Affairs

Review Cycle:

Annually or as required

Last Review:

July 2023

Related Policies and Additional References:


The St. Mary’s University Career and Professional Development Center reviews and approves all employers to ensure compliance with stated policies. Employers must follow all local, state, and federal employment and anti-discrimination laws. Additionally, all employers must follow St. Mary’s University policies including Title IX and DEI, and the NACE Principles for Professional Conduct. In accordance with the Civil Rights Acts, it is unlawful for any employer to discriminate against any applicant based on race, gender, ethnicity, marital status, disability, age, and other bases covered by law and policy. The Center reserves the right to decline any employer with or without notification to the employer. The Career and Professional Development Center will not post or create positions on behalf of a company or graduate program, nor will they make recommendations or select candidates for employers. All applicant information provided to the employer is only useable during the hiring process. No student information may be disclosed to any other parties in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.

Below are the guidelines used to determine an employer’s recruiting status at St. Mary’s University. Employers are approved only when all conditions are met.

  1. To be considered for approval by the Career and Professional Development Center, employer Handshake accounts must include the following:
    • Full company name and a clear and complete company description including information about product and services that provide main revenue streams.
    • Company contact information including contact person’s name, title, email address, phone number, social pages, and internet links. Links must be active and searchable and connect registration information to the company.
    • Physical location address. Virtual employers may use PO Box addresses.
    • Corporate email addresses for all company contacts. The company contact must be able to be verified through an internet search. Corporate email address must include the corporate name. The contact’s name should be also included in the email address. If a non-corporate email address is provided, then additional information may be requested for additional verification.
    • Website link to a website that is active and contains company contact information, physical location address, and company and leadership “about” and “overview” information that is clickable through links internal to the website. The website must be searchable to verify information provided in Handshake by the employer. Website must be written in English or have a translation feature. If the employer has no internet website, then additional information may be requested for additional verification.
  2. A score of B or better with the Better Business Bureau. If no Better Bureau Business rating is available, then additional information may be requested for further verification.

Employers will be denied for the following reasons:

  1. Employers who are not aligned with the Catholic Marianist mission of the university including the university’s statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  2. Employers who do not provide the required information through the Handshake registration process.
  3. Employers who have a private home or residence as the physical location address. We reserve the right to request additional address verification information.
  4. Employers who offer services or products considered illegal by federal and state law.
  5. Employers flagged by other institutions or students within the Handshake system unless the flag upon further investigation is deemed to be unjustified.
  6. Employers requiring interns or employees to promote, create, or develop free or fee-based programs, products, services, events, etc. and/or to collect student information on behalf of the employer such as brand ambassador programs or student referral programs.
  7. Employers that require/charge fees for participation or placement.

Employers that will be considered on a case-by-case basis:

  1. For start-ups, companies new to Handshake, internet-based companies, private companies, small businesses, and solo practitioners, we reserve the right to request additional information.
  2. Employers with headquarters outside the United States. We reserve the right to require additional company, location, job information for vetting purposes.
  3. Political campaigns must have a functioning website that includes all required Handshake registration information including employment information. A volunteer page does not fulfill this requirement. We reserve the right to require additional information for vetting purposes.
  4. Third-party recruiting firms/agencies will be considered if all Handshake registration information is provided. We reserve the right to require additional information for vetting purposes.
  5. Legal employers will be referred to the Law School’s Office of Career Strategy if seeking JD and LLM students and graduates only.

Regarding individual job postings by approved employers, the St. Mary’s University Career and Professional Development Center reviews and approves all Handshake job postings to ensure compliance with stated policies. The Center reserves the right to decline any job posting with or without notification to the employer.

For an employer job posting to be considered for automatic approval by the Career and Professional Development Center, the employer must meet the following. All other job postings will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis according to the previously stated requirements.

  1. Full compliance with the Center’s employer approval policy
  2. No reported flags deemed to be appropriate within the Handshake system.
  3. A recruiting relationship with St. Mary’s University with no reported faculty or student complaints/concerns.

For employers that do not meet automatic approval requirements, below are the guidelines required for approving all job postings:

  1. The job posting must be submitted by an employer who has fully complied with the Center’s employer approval policy.
  2. Positions must be part-time or full-time job, co-op, and internship opportunities available for students and alumni. Positions must be professionally oriented in nature.
  3. The job posting must include a clear and complete job description for a specific position within a single organization. The position type must be aligned with the job description and clearly identified in the posting.
  4. The job posting must include the physical location of the position.
  5. The email address in the job posting must match the employer’s email address in Handshake.
  6. The job posting must be linked to the organization’s website.
  7. The job posting must meet all federal and state laws and industry requirements including, but not limited to, the Department of Labor, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, National Association of Colleges and Employers, and Handshake.
  8. The rate of pay stated in the job posting must meet federal and state (for the state where the position is located) minimum wage requirements.
  9. Job postings for internships must follow the NACE criteria for an experience defined as an internship.
  10. Unpaid internship job postings by for-profit companies must meet the Department of Labor’s FLSA seven-factor test.
  11. Job postings for commission-based positions must clearly state the pay arrangements.
  12. The job posting must be applicable for the programs and degrees offered at St. Mary’s University.
  13. Any posted job must not violate the university’s Title IX policies.

Job postings will be denied for the following reasons:

  1. Job postings not aligned with the Catholic Marianist mission of the university including the university’s statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
  2. Job postings that do not fulfill the Center’s required job posting policy.
  3. Job postings that include work considered illegal by federal and state law.
  4. Job postings that do not adhere to U.S. Department of Justice and Department of Labor equal employment opportunity laws and requirements.
  5. Job postings by employers flagged by other institutions or students within the Handshake system.
  6. Job postings that require interns or employees to promote, create, or develop free or fee-based programs, products, services, events, etc. and/or to collect student information on behalf of the employer such as brand ambassador programs or student referral programs.
  7. Job postings that require/charge fees for participation or placement.
  8. Job postings for unpaid internship positions where all the requirements stated in the Fair Labor Standards Act are not met.
  9. Job postings by third-party firms/agencies that are not for a specific position, do not include the employing organization’s name and the third-party agency’s status as a third-party, or require fees for applications or services rendered.
  10. Job postings with incomplete lists of job duties and responsibilities.
  11. Job postings without acceptable salary descriptions.
  12. Job postings that are for JD and LLM students and graduates only. These postings will be referred to the Law School’s Office of Career Strategy.
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