• We are not yet accepting registration for Summer 2025.

  • Date

    June and July


    St. Mary’s University


    9th to 12th grade

Game Development Camp

Additional Information

Campers can sign up for up to three camps on a first-come, first-served basis. Preference is given to students in underrepresented groups in technology.

We are not yet accepting registration for Summer 2025.

The School of Science, Engineering and Technology Tech Camps include 10, one-week technology camps at St. Mary’s University. The camps, limited to about 18 students per camp, are taught by St. Mary’s professors and are for students who will be in high school for the 2025-2026 academic year (9th to 12th grade) and will be 14 years old by June 1, 2025.

Campers will learn about various topics, languages and tools within the computer science and engineering fields. Each camp will see various technology laboratories on field trips around the St. Mary’s University campus. Each camp has a student project that can be shown to family on the last afternoon of the camp.

All camps meet Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., with an extra hour on Friday to complete showing projects to family and friends. Participants can be dropped off between 8 to 9 a.m. and must be picked up between 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.. Camps marked with an asterisk (*) give preference for female students.

Robotics Camp
Robotics Camp
Game Development Camp
Game Development Camp

2025 Camp Information

  • Game Development Camp

    Game Development*

    June 2 — 6
    *For Females

    Learn game development tools and design while creating a computer game.

  • Two male students on a laptop work together during the Mobile Programming and Cybersecurity camp.

    Mobile Programming and Cyber Security

    June 2 — 6

    Learn how to combat cyber security threats and attacks while creating mobile apps.

  • Cybersecurity and mobile programing camp students

    Python for Data Analytics

    June 9 — 13

    Solve programming problems and develop graphics with Python.

  • Three female students work together on a laptop during  Python for Data Analytics camp.

    Mobile Programming and Cyber Security*

    June 9 — 13
    *For Females

    Learn how to combat cyber security threats and attacks while creating mobile apps.

  • Machine Learning for Online Safety*

    June 23 — 27
    *For Females

    Train and apply a model to classify social media comments.

  • Two students work together as they assemble and program a robot.


    June 23 — 27

    Build, program and run robots.

  • close up of laptop with code

    Computational Thinking with Games and C*

    July 7 — 11
    *For Females

    Play with types of thinking using C programming and games.

  • Engineering Camp students design and build a 3D model.

    Engineering and 3D Printing

    July 7 — 11

    Design and build 3D models using engineering concepts.

  • Two females work together during girls code camp.

    Java Programming and Web Development

    July 14 — 18

    Learn programming with Java, HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

  • Student tests code for drone during Drones and Automation camp.

    Drones and Automation

    July 14 — 18

    Write code for drones and fly them.

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