
About St. Mary’s University Summer Orchestra Camp

St. Mary’s University proudly presents a Summer Orchestra Camp this June! Join us for a week of orchestra rehearsals, technique classes, fun music electives and a final concert showcasing everything we accomplished during the week.

The camp is open to middle and high school students who have competed sixth grade and have at least one year of playing experience.

Warm-up: Meet in Guadalupe Chapel for the start of each day.

Orchestra Rehearsal: Orchestra students will rehearse in one of two orchestras in preparation for the Friday evening finale concert under the direction of Bassam Nashawati, Orchestra Director of the St. Mary’s University Symphony Orchestra. Faculty include John Thornton (Violist and Churchill High School Orchestra Director), Lydia Yanez (Cellist and Roosevelt High School Orchestra Director) and Chris DeArmond (Bassist and Pease Middle School Orchestra Director). 

Technique Class: Sections of the orchestra work specifically on fundamentals specific to their instruments to improve each student’s abilities and technique on assigned Region music.

Sectionals: Sections of the orchestra work specifically on concert music, affording each student the opportunity to improve their playing abilities on individual parts in their respective sections. 

Electives: Registered students will have the opportunity to choose an elective to learn something else of their own musical interest.

  • Conducting
  • Theory
  • Musical Anecdotes, Oddities and Appreciation
  • Audition Strategies and Techniques

Placement Auditions

The first day of camp includes auditions. The placement auditions are supportive, encouraging and help us place students in ensembles that best fit each musician’s level of expertise. We want every musician to have the best possible camp experience.

Students will be asked to play a solo of their choice.

Example Schedule

Opening Monday
8:30 a.m.Arrivals and final registration in the Courtyard of the Music Building
9 a.m.Group Welcome and Instructions
9:30 a.m.Placement Auditions
11:40 a.m.Lunch
1 p.m.Orchestra Rehearsals (students provided assigned parts based on audition results)
Tuesday – Friday
8:30-8:50 a.m.Camp Meeting in Guadalupe Chapel
9-10:20 a.m.Orchestra Rehearsals
10:30-11:50 a.m.Sectionals
12 p.m.Lunch
12:50-1:40 p.m.Electives
1:50-2:50 p.m.Orchestra Rehearsals
3-4 p.m.Technique Classes
6 p.m.Chaminade Orchestra Concert in Guadalupe Chapel

Camp Fee

$300 Registration

Includes camp tuition, lunch Monday-Friday, dinner Friday before the evening concert, sheet music, folder, badge with name and schedule, bottled water and camp t-shirt.

Optional Fees

While we officially open Orchestra Camp at 8 a.m. and require students to be picked up by 4:30 p.m. every day, we can accommodate parents and guardians needing earlier arrival and/or later pickup times. 

$30 Early Arrival: 7 to 8 a.m.
$30 Late Pick-up: 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
Fees are the total for the week

Safety Protocols

Orchestra rehearsals, sectionals, masterclasses and final concert will be held in the Music Building in Treadaway Hall.

  • Contact

    For more information about the St. Mary’s University Summer Music Camp, contact Jennifer Greulich.

    Jennifer Greulich

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