ASM Teacher camp

Free STEM Professional Development for Teachers

St. Mary’s University’s School of Science, Engineering and Technology hosts an ASM Teacher Camp during the summer for math and science teachers of students in grades 6-12.

About ASM Teacher Camp

ASM Materials Camp®-Teachers is a free, week-long, idea-generating workshop introducing teachers to methods that make math and core science principles more enticing and relevant to their middle and high school students. Materials topics are great motivators in any engineering, technology or science course as students learn concepts that are reflected in their everyday lives.

Teachers leave our camps able to engage students using simple, low-cost experiments that integrate into existing lesson plans. Participants are eligible to receive four Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and can opt for two graduate-level credits.

This camp will not be offered in 2024.

ASM Teachers Camp

Who should attend?

  • Middle school and high school teachers with an interest in science, engineering and industrial/career and technical education.
  • Pre-service science teachers

Why attend?

  • Engage in hands-on, low-cost activities that you can integrate into your classroom immediately
  • Help your students discover career opportunities in science and engineering, and meet practicing engineers
  • Strong connection to NGSS
  • NO CHARGE (a $1,200 value, made possible through generous donations to the ASM Materials Education Foundation)

What’s included?

  • 4 CEUs (40 hours)
  • Demonstration materials
  • Meals

Graduate Credits Available

Two (2) optional graduate credits available through the University of Missouri-Kansas City at $250 at participant’s expense.

We are not yet accepting registration for Summer 2025.

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