Fall 2019
Certificate program fills gap in soaring demand for business intelligence experts
Predictions show the world will generate 163 zettabytes of data annually by 2025, according to the research group IDC. Businesses are forecast to create and manage 60% of that data.
Management major launches online luxury eyelash business
Nadia Carrasco-Vasquez hadn’t been at St. Mary’s University a full semester before thinking, “I’m tired of being broke. I need to do something with my education.”
Engineering alumna helps create a new college in West Africa
During high school in India and with her family, Sunitha Jenarius (B.S. ’06) remembers teaching math, science and English to young girls in slums. “The high school I went to was run by nuns,” Jenarius said. “Every Friday, we brought onions and potatoes to the people living in the slums.”
Students and faculty showcase the formation of faith at St. Mary’s
Find out how our students and faculty are better able to strengthen their beliefs through the gifts of The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign through Q&A and quotes.
The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign supports academic and research distinction
Find out how our students and faculty have followed their passions to find academic and research distinction with help from the gifts of The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign through the short story and quotes.
Students succeed with help from The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign
The gifts of The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign have already made a huge impact on student success. Students and faculty share their paths to success through the short story and quotes.
Faculty excellence propels St. Mary’s to be the finest
Faculty excellence drives the successful outcomes for students and the St. Mary’s University community. The short story and quotes below illuminate how faculty members continue to shine through gifts to The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign.
Donations help put School of Law vision within grasp
The St. Mary’s University School of Law challenges each of its students to become knowledgeable and skilled leaders in the law, working to improve their community through justice.
Law scholarship donations drive excellence
The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign transforms legal education The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign transforms legal education. The quotes below illuminate how scholarship recipients have benefited from gifts to The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign. Quoted “Donors’ generosity has ...
Gifts to the Law Success Program help boost legal education
The mission of the Law Success Program is to help prepare students for success in school, on the bar exam and in practice. To accomplish this mission, the program takes an innovative, data-driven approach to student growth by using assessments and data gathering to plan legal skills development, bar exam initiatives and individual academic counseling.
U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce leader builds robust national network
With more than 4.3 million Hispanic-owned businesses in the U.S., advocating for them is a big job. It’s one that launched Ramiro Cavazos (M.P.A. ’03) out of the Lone Star State and into the nation’s capital.
Cybersecurity graduate finds mission and purpose
Wearing blue jeans and a graphic T-shirt depicting the 1985 film, The Goonies, Mark Maldonado (M.S. ’19) admitted to dressing like that for work.
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Biology major looks at healing in holistic way
Nadia Abdulbaki has always been fascinated with the medical field and helping others since childhood. That's why the Biology major and member of the St. Mary's University Honors Program hopes to go into the medical field after graduation.
Political Science alumnus inspires change through community impact
Lawrence Scott, Ph.D. (B.A. ’01), found his mission at St. Mary's University to transform generations as a professor and nonprofit leader.
As the Marianist sisters celebrate 75 years, Sister Grace Walle and others champion service and tradition
by Michelle Mondo and Jennifer R. Lloyd (M.B.A. ’16) For then-teenage Grace Walle, what started as a fun, and ultimately failing, attempt to play pipe organ with her best friend Laura Leming at the Marianist Family Retreat ...