Fall 2017
The Solar Savant
When Supratim Srinivasan (B.S. ’11) was first considering where to attend college, it didn’t occur to him that a Catholic university almost 9,000 miles away from his native India would factor into his decision — and forever brighten his future.
Law professor takes world of Bitcoin and blockchain
Angela Walch, J.D., Associate Professor of Law, calls herself “a questioner and a critic” when it comes to the overhyped world of cryptocurrencies (think: Bitcoin) and the underlying record-keeping system behind them, known as blockchain technology.
Serving those who have served
When combat veteran Marine Sgt. Nestor Lopez returned to civilian life in his early 20s, he found himself faced with some harsh realities.
New Law Success Program carves out national niche
Boosting scores on law school tests. Improving bar exam results. Gaining skills to last a career. Helping students achieve academic excellence and serve justice.
Learn to TEACH to Learn
St. Mary’s University Associate Professor Camille Langston, Ph.D., has made a career of teaching college students to develop critical thinking and writing skills that will allow them to succeed after graduation.
Irreducibly Human
For 12 weeks this spring, James Greenaway, Ph.D., heard the sound of prison doors lock solidly behind him as he walked past the stern-faced guards controlling access to the Ruben M. Torres Unit, a men’s state prison in Hondo.
Law students contribute thousands of pro bono hours
Even before licensure, St. Mary’s Law students have made pro bono legal aid a part of their practice.
Goodwill grows in St. Mary’s hidden garden
People might not know that for many years Marianist brothers on the St. Mary’s University campus maintained a garden located behind the Center for Legal and Social Justice.
Industrial Engineering graduates set precedent for international students
Generally speaking, companies and organizations hesitate to hire interns if they aren’t U.S. citizens. Some won’t hire international students at all.
Virtually Unstoppable
For 20 years while in the Marine Corps, Henry Idar earned a reputation as a solid mechanic, but he has felt the draw of computers for a while.
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Political Science alumnus inspires change through community impact
Lawrence Scott, Ph.D. (B.A. ’01), found his mission at St. Mary's University to transform generations as a professor and nonprofit leader.
Online MBA student believes in the transformative power of entrepreneurship
Ben Hodge’s growth as an entrepreneur has roots in his family tree that has branched into his second year as a student in the Online MBA for Professionals program at the St. Mary’s University Greehey School of Business.
Vice President for Mission to host show on Catholic TV
The fact that the Rev. John Thompson, S.M., Ed.D., isn’t on television already may be a surprise. The Vice President for Mission certainly has the personality for it. There’s always a smile on his face, a witty response ready to go and charisma to fill multiple rooms.