Rattler Den Food and Hygiene Pantry

The Rattler Den exemplifies St. Mary’s University’s commitment to students’ success and holistic well-being, while embodying the values of community engagement and support inherent in our Catholic, Marianist identity.
What started as a small cart, “Grab & Go” has now become a food and hygiene pantry. Launched in Fall 2023, the provision of food and hygiene products through the Rattler Den not only addresses immediate needs but also contributes to students’ overall academic success.
The Rattler Den is supervised by Wellness Programs, which manages the Rattler Den and trains student assistants in confidentiality practices ensuring that students can access these resources with dignity and privacy. This approach underscores the University’s commitment to supporting students in a holistic manner.
To address students’ long-term food insecurity, we have established a partnership with the San Antonio Food Bank to provide federal benefit application assistance once a month on campus. Through this partnership, we are empowering students to navigate and utilize support systems that can have long-term benefits for themselves and their families.
Support our Students Through the Rattler Den

Those looking to support the Rattler Den can choose from various options to give, including in-person donations, gift cards or financial contributions. This flexibility ensures that individuals can contribute in ways that align with their resources and abilities.
With your support, we can continue to create a nurturing environment where every student feels supported and empowered to thrive. Your contributions make a tangible difference in the lives of our students, and for that, we are eternally grateful.
Ways to Support Rattler Den

- Donate food and hygiene products.*
- Donate a gift card in person (HEB, Walmart, Target, Sprouts, etc.). We will do the shopping as needed to restock.
- Monetary Donation (contact Wellness Coordinator, see contact information below)
*We are currently unable to provide a tax deduction for donations.
Contact Us
We’re here to offer our support and assistance through the donation process. If you have any questions or need additional information, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Wellness Programs at wellness@stmarytx.edu or call 210-436-3837.