Diamondback Day: Catholic Edition

In this unique version of our Diamondback Day, prospective students experience life as a St. Mary’s Rattler with an emphasis on our Catholic faith and Marianist heritage. High school seniors will learn more about St. Mary’s University and experience our family spirit influenced by the Marianist Charism. Future Rattlers will hear from current students and staff about faith-based organizations on campus, participate in group activities, and learn about the Marianist Leadership Program and our newest themed living community centered on the Catholic faith — the Madeleine Community. Students will also take a tour of the campus.

Monday, Oct. 28, 2024

8:30 a.m. Check-in
9 a.m. Start time
3:30 p.m. End time

Know Before You Go

Parking information is coming soon.

Where can I park?

Check-in information is coming soon.

Where do I check-in?

Wear comfortable shoes and dress for the weather. You will be walking outside between different campus buildings and areas.

Before heading to campus, check out our interactive Campus Map to get the lay of the land. The campus map provides walking directions once you are on campus.  

Be sure to check your email for more event information.

What do I need to know before coming?

More Admission Events


Office of Admission
Chaminade Tower
Text us: 210-526-0796
Call us: 210-436-3126

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