Credit-Hour Major
Year Combined Degree


  • Bachelor of Science https://www.stmarytx.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/set-software-engineering-project.jpg

Software Engineering at St. Mary’s

Software engineering is one of the fastest-growing fields in the United States. 

The Software Engineering program at St. Mary’s University is designed to give students a combined experience of classroom learning and hands-on engineering practice, creating software systems that are reliable, efficient and maintainable.

What can I do with a degree in Software Engineering?

Career Opportunities

Graduates from our Software Engineering program will have prospective employment as software developers in diverse areas, such as data processing systems in business, telecommunications, health care, cybersecurity, robotics, gaming industry and mobile applications. A few career possibilities include:

Software Architect

Software architects are able to transform a plan and a set of requirements into something that is programmable and achievable. They are primarily concerned with the early stages of a software development cycle, including requirements and design although they can be involved in programming as well.

Embedded Software Engineer

From gasoline pumps to living-saving medical equipment, computers and software runs the machines that we interact with every day — even when they don’t look like computers at all. Some people refer to these as “invisible” or “embedded” computers and they are an important part of many different systems.

Cybersecurity Manager

These software engineers are concerned with the kinds of software that control passwords, financial transactions, private information, and more. Managers may write security programs or act as experts or consultants.

Outside the Classroom

Internships and Applied Projects

Many engineering majors work as interns in organizations such as:

  • City Public Service
  • Harris Electronics
  • NASA
  • Southwest Research Institute
  • The University of Texas Health Science Center

Every Engineering senior also completes a year-long design project, some of which have even been patented. 

Research Opportunities

Engineering students also participate in funded faculty research. Many junior and senior students volunteer their time to tutor freshman and sophomore students in mathematics and engineering courses.

Science Living Community

Students majoring in any science — from Physics to Computer Science, Biology to Engineering — can join the Science Living Community. Members live together and can participate in a variety of programs throughout the year.

Labs and Facilities

Laboratory facilities are available in the engineering buildings, allowing for basic and advanced laboratory instruction in electronics, digital signal processing, control systems, microelectronics, communications, embedded systems, power and digital systems.

The research laboratory equipped is with both UNIX and Windows workstations.


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