Semester Abroad
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Joint MBA/M.A. Degree Program

The St. Mary’s University Greehey School of Business and Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences in Schmalkalden, Germany, invite students to participate in a joint degree program. This is a two-year, full-time program.

The Schmalkalden University Joint Degree Program is open to students in the Online MBA for Professionals program. Upon completion, students will earn an MBA for Professionals from St. Mary’s and a Master of Arts in International Business and Economics from Schmalkalden University.

There is no additional tuition cost; however, students must pay for travel, living and other associated costs. Living costs are relatively reasonable and pre-arranged housing is available.

  • We are not currently accepting students.

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  • Degree Plan

    Students attend one semester at Schmalkalden and complete a total of 15 credit hours.

    In addition, students must complete a master’s thesis, which can be done remotely, to receive a Master of Arts in International Business and Economics.

  • Courses

    The first year (two semesters) is substituted by the credit transfer from St. Mary’s University.

    Students then study one semester abroad (in early April through early August) at Schmalkalden University.

About Schmalkalden University

Schmalkalden University of Applied Sciences is located at the edge of the Thuringian Forest. The university is considered one of the most beautiful campuses in Germany.

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