Credit Hours


  • Minor https://www.stmarytx.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/military-science-minor.jpg

Program Director

Military Science at St. Mary’s

Military Science is the study of military institutions, processes and behavior, as well as organized force.

The Military Science Program challenges students in both indoor and outdoor settings. Students participate in classroom instruction while also engaging in world-class physical fitness training, land navigation, marksmanship, rappelling, and other military activities.

  • Degree Plan

    Students can minor in this program:

    An ROTC program is also available for all majors. ROTC does not lead to an academic minor, but its activities are highly related to the minor.

  • Courses

    Students participate in courses such as:

    • Applied Leadership and Management
    • History of World War II
    • U.S. Military History

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