Credit Hours


  • Minor https://www.stmarytx.edu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/laura-dicun-400×420-1.png

Program Director

Education Studies at St. Mary’s

This Minor in Education Studies at St. Mary’s allows students to gain knowledge and field-based experience in teaching at the elementary, middle or high school level without having to do student teaching and passing the state teacher certification exams, two of the requirements to acquire a Texas teaching certificate.

The minor will qualify students to teach in private schools, including parochial schools.

  • Degree Plan

    The Education Studies minor is 15 credit hours:

  • Courses

    To earn a minor in Education Studies, students are required to take the following five courses:

    • Child Development and Learning in the School Setting or Adolescent Development in the School Setting
    • Educational Technology
    • Instructional Planning, Assessment and Evaluation
    • Teaching Diverse Populations
    • The American Elementary School or The American Secondary School

What can I do with a Minor in Education Studies?

The minor in Education Studies at St. Mary’s prepares students for numerous career opportunities. Our graduates can find success in the following roles:

  • Elementary Private/Charter School Teacher
  • Middle Private/Charter School Teacher
  • High Private/Charter School Teacher

Outside the Classroom

Student Educators Association for Dynamic Leadership (SEAL)

Rooted in Marianist traditions, Student Educators Association for Dynamic Leadership (SEAL) is a student organization in which future educators at St. Mary’s join in community service projects and other community-building events and activities throughout the academic year. 

Light shines behind the bell tower.

Learn More

We’re eager to hear from you and answer any questions you have! Feel free to reach out to learn more about St. Mary’s University.

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