
  • Ph.D. The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • M.S. The University of Texas at San Antonio
  • B.S. The University of Texas at San Antonio


  • Microprocessors 1
  • Digital Signal Processing


Ricardo ‘RJ’ Ramirez, Ph.D. received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Electrical Engineering from the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), in 2015 and 2017 respectively. He continued his education and received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from UTSA in 2020.

During his graduate studies, Ricardo Ramirez has worked in industry at Southwest Research Institute in the Space Science Division. Ricardo Ramirez went on to teach at Houston Christian University (HCU) from 2020 to 2024 teaching classes at all undergraduate levels. He taught classes such as Digital Design, Freshmen Engineering, Microprocessors, Embedded Systems, and Automatic Control Systems. During his time at HCU, he held the titles of Director of Research and Assistant Dean for Strategic Initiatives.

In 2024 he joined St. Mary’s University as an Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering. Ricardo Ramirez is also involved in the community by being a member of ASEE, IEEE, and Keen. All which either focus or have a subsection that focuses on engineering education. He has won the department award of ECE Outstanding Graduate Research Award from UTSA in 2020, the Outstanding Dissertation Award from UTSA in 2021, and the Student Organization Advisor of the Year from HCU in 2024.

His research interests are in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence as it applies to bioinformatics, especially in cancer and inflammatory responses. He is also interested in control systems, adaptive controls, intelligent controls, and embedded control systems.


Peer-reviewed Publications
Flores, Mario A. & Karla Paniagua & Wenjian Huang & Ricardo Ramirez & Leonardo Falcon & Andy Liu & Yidong Chen & Yufei Huang & and Yufang Jin. Characterizing Macrophages Diversity in COVID-19 Patients Using Deep Learning. Genes 2022, 13, 2264.
Ramirez, Ricardo & Chiu, Yu-Chiao & Zhang, Songyao & Ramirez, Joshua & Chen, Yidong & Huang, Yufei & Jin, Yu-Fang. (2021). Prediction and Interpretation of Cancer Survival Using Graph Convolution Neural Networks. Methods. 192. 10.1016/j.ymeth.2021.01.004.

Ramirez, Ricardo & Chiu, Yu-Chiao & Hererra, Allen & Mostavi, Milad & Ramirez, Joshua & Chen, Yidong & Huang, Yufei & Jin, Yu-Fang. (2020). Classification of Cancer Types Using Graph Convolutional Neural Networks. Frontiers in Physics. 8. 203. 10.3389/fphy.2020.00203.

Ramirez, Ricardo & Herrera, Allen & Ramirez, Joshua & Qian, Chunjiang & Melton, David & Shireman, Paula & Jin, Yu-Fang. (2019). Deriving a Boolean dynamics to reveal macrophage activation with in vitro temporal cytokine expression profiles. BMC Bioinformatics. 20.10.1186/s12859-019-3304-5.

Selected Paper Presentations

Mario Flores & Karla Paniagua & Wenjian Huang & Ricardo Ramirez & Yidong Chen & Yufei Huang & Yu-Fang Jin. (2022). Cell-Specific Gene Signature for COVID-19 Infection Severity Using single-cell RNA-seq analysis. International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine.

Ariel Lee & Jacob Buckle & Ricardo Ramirez & Yu-Fang Jin. (2022). Transfer Learning for Cancer Survival Prediction using Gene Expression Data. International Conference on Intelligent Biology and Medicine.

Yu-Fang Jin & Chunjiang Qian & Ricardo Ramirez & Robin Nelson. (2019). Improve Engineering Student Engagement through In-Class and Out-Class Interactions. American Society of Engineering Education Gulf – Southwest.

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