Pre-law at St. Mary’s University
The Pre-law Program at St. Mary’s University provides undergraduate students with numerous resources and tools to help them be successful in law school and law-related careers. The Pre-law Program is open to undergraduate students from any major.
Pre-law Advising
Pre-law Advising provides undergraduate students at St. Mary’s University with information and opportunities to enhance their chances for admission to law school and prepare them for successful legal careers.
Pre-law advising includes:
- Dedicated Pre-law adviser who will help with the selection of courses to better prepare students for academic success in law school
- Online suite of resources to support Pre-law student success
- Access to regular information sessions and workshops designed to prepare students to apply to law school and be successful in law school
- LSAT preparation course at steeply discounted rates
- Opportunities to participate in moot court and mock trial competitions
- Guidance on the early admission program to St. Mary’s Law School (the Nelson Wolff Law Early Admission Program) and the St. Mary’s Law Guaranteed Admission Program
- Assistance with the law school application process, including letters of recommendation and personal statements
- Opportunities to visit law schools and participate in law school forums

Nelson Wolff Law Early Admission Program
The Nelson Wolff Law Early Admission Program offers motivated, talented undergraduate students who plan to attend law school the opportunity to complete a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from St. Mary’s School of Law in less time. The program allows qualified St. Mary’s undergraduate students in most degree programs to begin law school after completing 91 undergraduate hours, reducing the time it takes to complete both degrees by one year.
What are the benefits of the Early Admission Program?
The program allows qualified St. Mary’s undergraduate students in most degree programs to earn both a bachelor’s degree and a law degree from St. Mary’s School of Law in less time. Students who complete the first year of law school will apply those credit hours to complete the requirements for a bachelor’s degree and can continue to earn a law degree with two additional years (61 credit hours) of study in the law school.
What are the eligibility requirements for the program?
1) a cumulative GPA of 3.30 or better; 2) earn at least a 154 on the Law School Admission Test (LSAT), and 3) complete a minimum of 91 or more hours, (including the requirements for the major and the St. Mary’s Core) BEFORE starting law classes (Note: 45 hours must be undergraduate classes at St. Mary’s in order to meet residency requirements).
Where do I sign up if I am interested in the Early Admission Program?
It is not necessary to “sign up” for the program. Instead, students must meet with their faculty adviser and/or academic adviser for their major to devise a degree plan and to determine if completing the requirements for their degree is feasible within three years. Example degree plans are available in the Undergraduate Catalog. The Pre-law Adviser can also assist with verifying degree plans. All students are required to notify the Pre-law Adviser in the semester when they apply to the St. Mary’s law school.
When should I decide to participate in the Early Admission Program?
It is advisable that students decide as early as possible in their academic career at St. Mary’s, preferably before or by the time a student has completed 30 hours at St. Mary’s. An early decision is important in order for the student to stay on track in completing their requirements for the major and the St. Mary’s Core.
When should I apply to St. Mary’s law school through the Early Admission Program?
Eligible St. Mary’s students should apply to St. Mary’s law school in the semester prior to or during when they anticipate completing all major and St. Mary’s Core requirements.
If I plan to apply to St. Mary’s law school through the Early Admissions Program, when should I take the LSAT?
It is advisable that the student take the LSAT in the semester prior to the semester when students will complete a minimum of 91 credit hours as well as all major and Core Curriculum requirements.
What if I decide to retake the LSAT?
If an applicant takes the LSAT more than one time, the LSAT score used for the Early Admission Program shall be an average of all LSAT scores received by the applicant.
If I meet the criteria and make a timely application to the St. Mary’s Law, are there any other admission criteria I should be aware of?
Please consult the law school admissions page for more details about the St. Mary’s Law School admission procedure and requirements, including the character and fitness requirements for admission to the bar of the State of Texas.
How does applying for the Early Admissions Program affect my financial aid?
Students will need to re-apply for financial aid to account for law school tuition costs.
What if I do not qualify for the Early Admission Program?
Students may continue the regular course of study for their undergraduate degree and can apply to the School of Law. They may be admitted through regular admissions or be eligible for the St. Mary’s Guaranteed Admission Program.
What if I decide that I am not going to apply to law school through the Early Admission Program?
Eligible students can apply when they graduate and be admitted through regular admissions or the St. Mary’s Guaranteed Admission Program.
What if I decide not to finish the first year at St. Mary’s law school?
If the student does not complete at least one year of law school, any law school credit hours earned will be applied to the remaining hours needed to obtain the bachelor’s degree.
Guaranteed Admission Program
St. Mary’s undergraduate students who graduate with a specified GPA, earn a minimum of 151 on the LSAT exam and would be eligible for admission to the Bar in the State of Texas, are guaranteed admission to the St. Mary’s School of Law.

The LSAT Preparation Class
St. Mary’s offers an LSAT preparation class (HU3000) each spring through a third-party provider. The course is an intensive virtual course open to all majors. It is designed to help students prepare for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT)–the standardized test required for admissions into law schools.
While the course is open to students of all levels, it is highly recommended for juniors and seniors planning to apply to law school during the following fall or spring semester.
What are the benefits of taking the LSAT course at St. Mary’s?
The main benefit of taking the course is that it meets regularly, typically once a week, and provides students with a more structured approach to preparing for the LSAT.
Is this course like other courses offered at St. Mary’s?
No, this is an intensive course, typically 10-12 weeks long, that meets virtually once a week in the evenings for two to three hours. It is offered ONLY in the spring semester. It is designed to prepare students who want to take the LSAT in the fall semester, typically in August or September or in early spring in January or February.
Can students other than St. Mary’s students take the course?
The course is offered only to students attending (or matriculated) at St. Mary’s.
Who teaches the course?
The course is offered and taught by a reputable third-party provider, currently 7Sage. The Pre-law Adviser is the Instructor on Record. An orientation is typically provided before the class starts by the Instructor on Record.
Will I receive course credit?
No. The course is offered as an HU (Humanities course) and will appear on a student’s St. Mary’s transcript, but students will not receive course credit hours towards their major, the Core, or as an elective.
Will I receive a grade for the course?
Students receive a PASS/NO PASS for the course, which will appear on a student’s St. Mary’s transcript.
Will the course appear on my transcript?
Yes, once students have completed the course, it will appear on their transcript.
What can I expect from the course?
Students will initially take a diagnostic LSAT test (a pre-test) to assess strengths and weaknesses. Periodic tests will be administered to measure students’ improvement. The course will introduce students to the types of questions one can expect on the LSAT, provide strategies and exercises, and cover various aspects of the LSAT test.
When should I take the course?
Students should plan to take the course in the spring before applying for law school; they should apply to law school during the fall, the year before they plan to attend law school.
Is there a course fee?
Yes, there is a course fee that typically ranges between $550-$750 and is subject to change every year. The course fee is significantly lower than what a student would pay to take the course independently of St. Mary’s. The course fee will be added to the student’s St. Mary’s account.
Can I get a refund on the course?
The student must drop the course before the first day of class to not be charged the course fee. Once the course begins, the course fee is non-refundable.
If I don’t complete the course, can I be reimbursed?
No, the course fee is non-refundable.
Does my financial aid cover the course fee?
Students must check with the Financial Office to inquire about financial aid (including aid covered by scholarships, the military, etc).
If I want to register for the course, who do I contact?
Students must contact the Pre-law Adviser (the Instructor or Record), to get instructor approval.
Where do I register for the LSAT? Where do I find more information regarding LSAT, such as test dates?
Students must visit the LSAC website to create an account.

St. Mary’s Undergraduate Mock Trial Student Organization and St. Mary’s Undergraduate Mock Trial Team
Pre-law students from all majors have an opportunity to prepare and compete in simulated trials with fictional cases either through our mock trial registered student organization or through the mock trial team. The student organization is open to all undergraduate students; participation on the team requires trying out and being admitted to the team. Both organizations foster the development of skills and knowledge required for careers in the legal profession, including critical thinking and oral communication. For more information, contact the Pre-law Adviser.
Internship and Career Opportunities
While many undergraduate students plan to attend law school to become a lawyer, there are many other law-related career options that may or may not require a juris doctorate (J.D.).
Some examples include:
- Paralegals and legal assistants
- Mediators
- Compliance Specialist
- Lobbyist
- Court reporter
- Human resource officer
- Policy Analyst
- Private or public investigator
- Legal technology support specialist
- Contract Administrator
Pre-law students are encouraged to participate in internships that allow them to explore career options before attending law school.
Contact Us
Leona Pallansch, Ph.D.
Director, Pre-Law Program