About the Registrar’s Office
From the first day of class — and even before — until you walk across the commencement stage, the Registrar’s Office is a significant part of the student experience at St. Mary’s University.
Here, you will find information on class registration and advising, degree plans, academic calendars and schedules, as well as details on preparing for graduation and commencement exercises.
Our office will assist you with information, including official transcripts, even after graduation.
If you need to be readmitted to the University, information about the process and the application can be found on the Registration page.
Helpful Links
Many of our services are available on Gateway. All requests submitted will be answered in the order they were received. Please understand that a high volume might result in a possible delay, especially during peak times. Phone correspondence may be difficult during this time, so we highly encourage email as the preferred means of communication. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Please refer to the academic calendar.
When do classes start?
Please refer to the academic calendar.
When is the last day to register or add a class?
GPS will show the academic adviser assigned to you.
Who is my academic adviser?
Undergraduate students can email the Registrar’s Office directly to change their major, or add a second major or minor. Include the following information: Rattler ID number, full name, current major and/or minor and the major and/or minor change needed. Students should not put their ID number in the email subject line. Undergraduate students must also copy (cc) the Office of Academic Advising at academic.advising@stmarytx.edu to receive a new academic adviser. Graduate students should email their respective Program Director to request a change in program.
How can I change my major?
Official transcripts can be ordered online on the St. Mary’s University Transcripts webpage.
How do I order an official transcript?
To withdraw from a course, there are two options:
- Withdraw from a course online via Gateway or
- Submit an Add/Drop form (located in the Registrar’s Office)
Before withdrawing from a course, students are highly encouraged to discuss the implications of the course withdrawal with their academic adviser. If the course withdrawal will change registration status (i.e., Full-time to Part-time), you should also consult with the Office of Financial Assistance.
Once a student withdraws from a class, a confirmation email of the course withdrawal is sent to the student, their primary academic adviser and the course instructor.
How do I drop a class?
Any questions related to GPS can be sent to graduation@stmarytx.edu. Include your Rattler ID, full name, and a specific question or screenshot of the error in the body of the email.
How do I report an error on my GPS?
Students can request an enrollment or degree verification by filling out the form found on the Enrollment and Degree Verification webpage. The form can be sent via email from the student’s University email.
How do I request an enrollment or degree verification?
Students who would like to take courses outside of St. Mary’s during the summer will need to submit a Permission to Take Courses for Transfer Credit form found on Gateway. The information on Transfer Credits is located in the middle of the page, which also includes the course you are not allowed to take. Once the form is submitted to the Registrar’s office, we will review the courses you want to take and let you know if they are approved. If approval from a department chair is needed, the Registrar’s office will contact the appropriate chair and let you know once we receive confirmation.
I would like to take summer classes at another institution? What do I need to do this?
Please refer to the academic calendar.
When will registration close so I can make changes to my schedule?
Students should email the Registrar’s Office at registrar@stmarytx.edu. Include your full name, Rattler ID number, the CRN for the course you are attempting to add and the error you are receiving in the body of the email. Depending on the prerequisite, the Registrar’s Office may provide an override or direct you to the department chair for advice.
I am getting a prerequisite error when adding a class. Who do I contact?
To receive your registration pin, you must be advised by your academic adviser. If you are a first-time freshman/ transfer, contact your academic adviser in the Office of Academic Advising. All other returning students please get in contact with your faculty adviser.
How do I obtain my registration pin number (undergraduate students only)?
If you have difficulty contacting your adviser, email the Office of Academic Advising at academic.advising@stmarytx.edu for assistance.
I cannot get into contact with my academic adviser. How can I obtain my registration pin number?
If you are already registered for classes and you lost your pin number, contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@stmarytx.edu. If you have not registered for any classes and you lost your pin number, contact the Office of Academic Advising at academic.advising@stmarytx.edu to schedule another advising appointment.
Who do I contact if I have lost my registration pin number?
To check if you have a hold that will prevent you from registering, go to your Student Profile. The hold status is located on the upper right-hand corner. GPS will also note if you have a hold.
How would I know if I am cleared to register?
If your hold is with the Business Office, contact them at businessoffice@stmarytx.edu. If your hold is with the Student Health Center, contact them at healthcenter@stmarytx.edu. For all other holds, contact the Registrar’s Office at registrar@stmarytx.edu. Include your Rattler ID number, full name and the hold error in the body of the email.
Who do I contact if I have a hold?
Students should add themselves to the waitlist or register for an alternate section of the same course or any course. We also recommend that students consult with their Academic Adviser for options if the class is unavailable. For undergraduate students, it is important to note that to be considered full-time students, registered hours should be at least 12 hours, not including the waitlisted course.
How can I get into a closed class?
If a spot becomes available, the student will receive an email notification that a seat is available. The student will have 24-hours to register for the class. The notification will indicate the exact date and time before the window to add the class expires. If the student does add the course by the deadline, the next student on the waitlist will be notified of the open seat.
If the student received the notification that a spot is available, they will need access registration on Gateway. Select the “Web Registered” option from the action drop down list under the course that is Waitlisted. Click the “Submit” button.
Students should monitor their email account carefully and frequently, including spam folder.
Students should consider having an alternate plan to add another course in case a spot does not become available.
I am waitlisted for a course. How will I know when I can add this course?
Students will need to add themselves back to the waitlist or consider selecting another course. Waitlist notifications can be sent at any time (even overnight and/or on weekends). Students have 24 hours to respond to the notification.
I missed my waitlist notification. What do I do now?
Contact Us
For any questions you may have, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you in your academic journey.
Office of the Registrar
Fax: 210-431-2217
registrar@stmarytx.eduOffice Hours
St. Louis Hall, Room 104
Monday through Friday
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.