The Heritage Edition and University Life

Thanks to a generous gift from former Board of Trustees Chairman Ruben Escobedo, a 1960 graduate of St. Mary’s, and his wife Veronica Salazar Escobedo, the Escobedo Saint John’s Bible Lecture Series was created and allows St. Mary’s to share the remarkable illuminated pages with members of the St. Mary’s community, and faith communities from across Texas and the nation. Each year, through the Lecture Series, the University invites scholars to campus who use the Bible as inspiration for their presentations at St. Mary’s and at Holy Rosary Catholic Church adjacent to the campus as part of an important collaborative partnership with the San Antonio Archdiocese.
At St. Mary’s, the volumes of The Heritage Edition have been in classrooms, at new student orientations, in campus liturgies and at the Marianists’ residential communities. In addition, volumes are exhibited year-round in special hand-crafted display cases in St. Louis Hall, the University’s signature building, and the Louis J. Blume Library on campus. In addition, groups of faculty, students, parents, alumni and donors have marveled at the Bible during off-campus events at which the Heritage Edition has been exhibited.
More information about the Heritage Edition at St. Mary’s
For more information about The Heritage Edition at St. Mary’s University or to request a presentation to your parish, church, school or belief community, contact Bob O’Connor, Ph.D., Director of The Saint John’s Bible Project at St. Mary’s, at 210-436-3799.
For additional information on The Saint John’s Bible, visit