- Ph.D., Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi
- M.S., Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi
- B.S., Yaracuy Institute/College of Technology/UNELLEZ
- Practicum in Group Process
- Assessment and Appraisal in Counseling
- Social Stratification
Research Interests
- Aging
- Palliative care
- Neuroscience of psychology and religion
- Human personality
- Interculturalism
Esteban Montilla, Ph.D., is a Latino-American theologian and psychotherapist known for his ability to integrate science and religion. His research interest involves aging, palliative care, neuroscience of psychology and religion, human personality and interculturalism. He has written extensively on counseling older adults, integration of psychotherapy and spirituality, family therapy, pastoral counseling and post-colonial counseling. Montilla is one of the pioneers of the hospice movement and counseling profession to several countries in Latin America. He has developed diploma, master and doctoral programs in counseling and theology in nations such as Mexico, Nicaragua and Venezuela.