May 14, 2009
St. Mary’s University President Charles L. Cotrell, Ph.D. recently announced that Anthony J. Kaufmann, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Science, Engineering and Technology for the past 25 years, has been named Dean Emeritus in recognition of his distinguished performance and professional accomplishments.
Dr. Kaufmann, who has taught in the Department of Biological Sciences at St. Mary’s for 40 years, also served as dean of the Graduate School from 1979 to 1984 before accepting the position as the University’s first dean of the School of Science, Engineering and Technology. He will retire on May 31, 2009.
Under Dean Kaufmann’s 25 years of leadership, the School built a strong undergraduate health program, giving our students entrée to the best professional schools in the country. He has always done his utmost to provide the best for St. Mary’s students.
More than half of St. Mary’s graduates who apply are admitted to medical and dental schools, well above the national average of 35 percent. During his tenure, Dr. Kaufmann built a strong faculty (100 percent of whom have their terminal degrees), oversaw the renovation of Garni Hall, and expanded degree offerings in the sciences and engineering. Also under Dr. Kaufmann’s supervision, degree programs in Industrial Engineering and Electrical Engineering received and maintained accreditation by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET). This past year, he was instrumental in developing the new forensic science degree program.
Finally, Dr. Kaufmann is well respected in the community and on campus, especially by his students who always gave him outstanding reviews for his teaching.
In April, St. Mary’s announced Winston Erevelles, Ph.D. as new dean of the School of Science, Engineering and Technology. Erevelles will be on campus to assume his duties as the new dean beginning August 1. Erevelles was the dean of the School of Engineering, Mathematics and Science at Robert Morris University in Pennsylvania.