Title: Financial Aid Counselor
Alma mater: Baylor University
Hometown: San Antonio, TX
Favorite spot on campus: Bloom Library
Favorite place in San Antonio: Folklore Coffee Shop
Contact Nyillie at:
Why did you choose St. Mary’s:
I chose St. Mary’s because I wanted to work in my community and give back as much as I could. I wanted to work close to home to know in the back of my mind what I was doing everyday was helping kids who were in the exact same spot I was in five years ago get through college. I had mentors and a support system that was deeply rooted in San Antonio, and when I was away in Waco it made it easier to push through the rough patches of college. My hope was that I could do the same for some of our students here on campus.
What is your favorite part about St. Mary’s:
My favorite part about St. Mary’s is the size of the university and the feel of it as a whole. It has a lot to do with the Marianist spirt but it also has a lot to do with the way the students react to the community faculty and staff create. I have never seen a university in which the practice of ‘you aren’t just a number’ is implemented so effortlessly.
What inspires you?
My siblings and my family.
What did you want to be as a kid?
I wanted to be a screen writer, mostly romantic movie.
What would you do if you won the lottery?
Buy a compound for my parents and siblings so they can live close to me and not have to worry about a house.
What is the most interesting place you’ve traveled?
I haven’t recently traveled that much without my family so the stops are limited with a two-year-old, BUT the most interesting place to me that I’ve been is the Garden of the Gods in Colorado.
What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I’m the first daughter, niece and granddaughter on my dad’s side and the first to ever graduate college on both sides.