St. Mary’s University School of Law faculty in the books

September 12, 2024

by Nathaniel Miller

Beyond the classroom, St. Mary’s University School of Law faculty conduct research and share their knowledge through various publications both online and in print. Here is a sampling of those books, articles and papers published between May 2023 and April 2024.  


  • Ramona Lampley, J.D., and LaMar Jost, J.D., wrote Deposing Experts in Medical Malpractice Cases, Juris Publishing, 2023.  
  • Ramona Lampley, J.D., and Ed Imwinkelried, J.D., wrote Federal Evidence Tactics, LexisNexis, 2024. 


  • Matthew “Match” Dawson, J.D., wrote Gun Range Immunity: An Argument Against Legalized Nuisance and Non-government Takings, in the Gonzaga Legal Review, 2023. 
  • Vincent Johnson, J.D., LL.M., LL.D., wrote Artificial Intelligence and Legal Malpractice Liability for the St. Mary’s Journal on Legal Malpractice and Ethics, 2024. 
  • Ramona Lampley, J.D., wrote A Haven for Traffickers: How the United States Provides a Legal Safe Haven for Business That Rely on Forced Labor in the International Supply Chain for Pepperdine Law Review, 2024. 
  • Adam J. MacLeod, J.D., wrote The First Amendment, Discrimination, and Public Accommodations at Common Law for the Kentucky Law Journal, 2024; Why Equity Follows the Law for Laws, for Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2024; and Is, Ought, and the Limited Competence of Experts for the Journal of Religion, Culture and Democracy, 2023. 
  • Patricia W. Moore, J.D., wrote Can Litigation Analytics Tell Us Whatever Became of the 2015 Proportionality Amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure? for the University of Pennsylvania Journal of Law and Public Affairs, 2024. 
  • Willy Rice, J.D., wrote The Emerging Name, Image, and Likeness Industry and the Perils of Appropriating “Entrepreneurial” Collegiate Athletes’ and “Vengeful” Minors’ Property Interest — Historical and Empirical Guidance from Courts’ Right of Publicity, Misappropriation, and Breach of Contract Decisions, 1830-2023 for the Berkeley Journal of Entertainment and Sports Law, 2024.  
  • Michael Smith, J.D., wrote Library Crime for the Drake Law Review, 2024; Public Accommodations Laws, Free Speech Challenges, and Limiting Principles in the Wake of 303 Creative for the Louisiana Law Review, 2024; Originalism, Common Good Constitutionalism, and Transparency for the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy, 2023; Disingenuous Interpretation for the Mississippi Law Journal, 2023; Originalism and the Meaning of “Twenty Dollars” for the Creighton Law Review, 2023; Idaho’s Law of Seduction and Idaho’s Law of Constitutional Interpretation , both for the Idaho Law Review, 2023. 
  • Amanda Stephens, J.D., and Sean Viña, Ph.D., wrote On Women Professors Who Teach Legal Writing: Addressing Stigma and Women’s Health for the Vermont Law Review, 2024. 
  • Jennifer Stevenson, J.D., Qian Li, Ph.D., and Jianyu Zhou wrote Assessing Legal Protection of Biometric Data in China: Gaps, Principles, and Policy Recommendations for the Journal of Legal Medicine, 2024. 
  • Sigrid Vendrell-Polanco, J.D., wrote Puerto Rican Presidential Voting Rights: Why Precedent Should Be Overturned, and Other Options for Suffrage, for the Brooklyn Law Review, 2024. 
  • Gregory Zlotnick, J.D., wrote Inviting the People into People’s Court: Embracing Non-Attorney Representation in Eviction Proceedings, for the Marquette Benefits and Social Welfare Law Review, 2023. 

Op-Eds and Essays 

  • Al Kauffman, J.D., wrote on the topic of voting rights and state immigration laws for the San Antonio Express-News titled Stop Playing Games with the Right to Vote and SB 4 Puts Immigrants, Latinos in Political Crossfire. 
  • Michael Smith, J.D., wrote on the topic of bail reform in connection with local shootings for the San Antonio Express-News titled Avoid Harmful Bail Reform in Response to Recent Shootings. 
  • Adam MacLeod, J.D., wrote Rights, Duties, and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights at 75 and Still Alive and Well for Law & Liberty. 
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