The Mission
The Mission of San Antonio and Texas Católico is to further the study of the history of the Catholic Church in San Antonio and Texas, with a focus on the Latino experience and a special, though not exclusive, interest in parish history, life and culture. It fosters faculty and student research projects, promotes the collection and digitizing of parish histories, and sponsors seminars. These endeavors seek a deeper appreciation of the work of Church leaders and the faithful in preserving and enhancing the Catholic faith tradition in the city and region.
Westside San Antonio Parish Initiative
This inaugural program focuses on the history of the Catholic parishes on San Antonio’s Westside. Their origin, growth and importance in the cultural and spiritual development of the city’s largest Mexican American barrio. The first step involves documenting the history through the development of a digital archive to be hosted on the St. Mary’s Center for Catholic Studies website. Activities include research in archives of the archdiocese, in religious community archives such as Oblates, Claretians, and Jesuits and parish archives. Also important are compiling oral histories with parishioners and religious and digitizing the documentary records and photographs of the parish community members who may be willing to share. A second activity will involve interpreting and disseminating the historical documentation in scholarly articles, public history formats such as Story maps, and local and regional conferences.
Inaugural Event
This symposium addresses ways of identifying, preserving, researching and disseminating the historical legacy of San Antonio’s Westside Catholic parishes. This initial meeting reflects on the documents and history that have been gathered on parishes in the westside of San Antonio. Critical in shaping Mexican American lives and communities, this history began in the 1730s with San Fernando parish. In the twentieth century, many parishes appeared on San Antonio’s Westside to provide places of worship, community engagement, and educational opportunities for a rapidly growing population of Mexican Americans and Mexican immigrants settling in San Antonio. Below is a list of speakers and topics.
Sixth Annual O’Connor Lecture
“The Barrio Church: Researching and Writing Latino Parish Histories,”
Roberto Treviño, Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, University of Texas-Arlington
Finding and Preserving Westside Parish Histories
- “Surveying Westside Parishes,” Gerald E. Poyo, Ph.D., O’Connor Professor for the History of Hispanic Texas and the Southwest, St. Mary’s University
- “Surveying Westside Parishes,” Gerald E. Poyo, Ph.D., O’Connor Professor for the History of Hispanic Texas and the Southwest, St. Mary’s University
- “Digitizing and Organizing Latino Archives,” Carolina Villarroel, Ph.D., Brown Foundation Director, Recovering the U.S. Hispanic Literary Heritage, University of Houston
Telling Westside Parish Histories
- “Founding and Development of Santa Augusta/St. Jude Parish,” The Rev. Robert Wright, OMI, Oblate School of Theology
- “Going Public with Parish Histories,” Lindsey Wieck, Ph.D., Associate Professor and Director of Public History, St. Mary’s University
- “The Little Flower Parish Story,” Ashton Jeffers, St. Mary’s Public History Program
Voices from the Westside
- “Clergy and the Westside,” The Rev. Michael DeGerolami, former pastor, St. Timothy’s Catholic Church
- “Community and Catechesis,” Sister Angela Erevia, MCDP, Congregational Leadership Team and Adjunct Faculty at Mexican American Catholic College
- “Parish as Faith Community,” María Antonietta Berriozábal, Community Activist, former member of San Antonio City Council
- “Parish Activism: COPS,” Natalia Soriano Tovar, parishioner, St. Timothy’s Catholic Church, COPS member
Advisory Board
Sr. Angela Erevia
Fr. David Garcia
Gilberto Hinojosa, Ph.D., co-chair
Gerald Poyo, Ph.D., co-chair
Mrs. Natalia Tovar
Fr. Robert Wright, OM
Jason King, Ph. D.