Realizing the vision
Stories by Frank Garza
When St. Mary’s University publicly launched The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign five years ago, a significant portion of the $130 million goal was dedicated to the School of Law.

As the largest campaign in University history, some said this goal was beyond our grasp. But we believed in our School of Law community and the generations of law alumni who form the basis of our family spirit.
Today, The Defining Moment Comprehensive Campaign has reached an astonishing $165 million — $22 million of which will propel excellence at the School of Law.
Donors to the campaign — including the ones you will meet on the following pages — endowed transformational scholarships and professorships, funded cutting-edge facilities, enabled first-generation student programming and propelled law success efforts.
From what began as a seemingly impossible goal, these generous gifts will make it possible to achieve our vision and leverage the changing legal education landscape to increase the value of a St. Mary’s Law degree.