by Tom Norris

Deni Cresto, a junior from Curitiba, Brazil, studying Exercise and Sport Science, often refers to a message from St. Mary’s University Men’s Soccer Head Coach Johnny Clifford when times get tough during the COVID-19 pandemic: “Control what you can control.”
The St. Mary’s Men’s Soccer captain has used the pandemic to take control of his academics, health and faith, even as the Men’s Soccer competition was postponed in the fall on the heels of a Lone Star Conference winning season.
“In my own experience adapting to this new situation, I am in control of my daily training, study schedule and strengthening my relationship with my family and God,” Cresto said. “I try to keep up with a daily schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time, training in the morning, and studying and having online classes in the afternoon.”
Despite taking classes virtually from Brazil, Cresto feels right at home in the St. Mary’s community.
“Although I miss being on campus, going to in-person classes and interacting with people, I like how the online system is working,” he said.
Cresto, who transferred to St. Mary’s, said his first year taught him as long as he works hard, smart and with a purpose, he can achieve anything in life.