by Nikki Harris

At the University made the transition to online, the Rattler Success Center (RSC) was one step ahead, having already begun online tutoring earlier in the 2019-2020 academic year.
“We were ready from Day One,” said Patricia Medina, Director of the Rattler Success Center and Academic Success Programs.
The RSC houses the offices of Academic Advising and Academic Support Services, the writing and tutoring center, academic peer coaching and other student support services. When the pandemic hit, its staff immediately began focusing on what students needed in the move to an online learning environment.
The RSC staff worked with the STRIVE Career Center to hold several virtual workshops, helping students who were unfamiliar with taking online classes or utilizing tools like Zoom. Staff also offered tips for students to set up online learning environments.
The advising team prepped for priority advising and registration, which normally requires students to meet in person with advisers. Advisers reached out to students via Zoom, email and phone, and made themselves available on the weekends.
“We want to make sure that students still feel connected,” said Graciela Lopez-Fuentes, Director of Academic Advising. “We’re there virtually for them.”