The Big Solve

From left, Seongbae Lim, Ph.D., Professor of
Information Systems; Genevieve Hébert Fajardo, J.D., Clinical Professor of
Law; Paul X. Uhlig, Ph.D., Chair and Professor of Mathematics; Johnny Clifford,
Head Men’s Soccer Coach; Angeli Willson, Ph.D., Chair of the Department of
At St. Mary’s University, our campus community talks a lot about educating leaders for the common good — a noble yet, on first glance, abstract notion. What does it look like when our faculty and staff apply their expertise to solving some of humanity’s biggest problems?
In these stories, you’ll hear from professors in Mathematics, Education, Information Systems and Law, as well as our Men’s Soccer Head Coach, who each use the holistic St. Mary’s style of education to offer solutions to some of our greatest challenges.