February 11, 2019

People’s Law School will celebrate its 25th year of providing free education by local attorneys about common legal topics at St. Mary’s University on Saturday, Feb. 16.
From auto accident recovery to immigration law, this joint project of the St. Mary’s University School of Law’s Pro Bono Program and the San Antonio Bar Foundation will offer a variety of legal education at the law school’s Law Classrooms Building. The doors for the event open at 8:30 a.m. Classes begin at 9 a.m. and continue until 1 p.m.
Greg Zlotnick, J.D., the School of Law’s Director of Pro Bono Programs, said he looks forward to the impact People’s Law School will have – not just on attendees, but also on the law students organizing the event.
“A lawyer’s service to the community takes many forms,” Zlotnick said. “Our law student volunteers will see attorneys share their expertise with individuals who may not otherwise have access to a lawyer. After graduation, our law students can replicate this model of service in the communities where they will live and work.”
Local attorneys will share their experiences during 45-minute sessions on a variety of topics, including:
- Wills
- Divorce
- Planning for nursing home or in-home care
- Protecting yourself against identity theft
- Guardianships
- Social Security and SSI disability benefits
- Immigration law
- Landlord/tenant rights and responsibilities
- Bankruptcy and foreclosure
- Auto accident recovery
After each session, attendees can ask questions and speak with the presenters.
“I love connecting directly with members of our community and answering questions about providing care for loved ones who need assistance,” said Dominic J. Negrón (J.D. ’13), who is presenting on the topic of guardianships. “People’s Law School is a great opportunity to learn from experienced attorneys who specialize in various areas about basic issues and problems that we have to face every day. Knowledge is power and People’s Law School is all about empowering our community members.”
View the complete schedule.