March 23, 2015
Georgetown Law’s Amy J. Uelmen, J.D., will draw on her experience as a lawyer and teacher to reconcile this dilemma on Tuesday, March 31, as she presents “Teaching and Learning in Love: Lessons from ‘The Joy of the Gospel.'”
Enriched by Pope Francis’ “The Joy of the Gospel,” her talk also will address how to communicate the depth and beauty of the Catholic intellectual tradition in environments that might be unreceptive.
The 7 p.m. event – open to the public and media – will be held at St. Mary’s University in the courtroom of the Law Classroom Building. Refreshments and conversation follow the lecture. For more information, call 210-431-8094.
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition Lecture Series is a free, annual series featuring men and women who have shaped the Catholic intellectual tradition at the heart of the educational enterprises at St. Mary’s. The 2014-15 series theme is “Faith Working Through Love: Grace of the Holy Spirit.” This event is part of the University’s Women’s History Month programming.