September 26, 2014
Don Briel, Ph.D., will present “Education at the Crossroads” on Oct. 1 as part of the 12th annual Catholic Intellectual Tradition Lecture Series.
The 7 p.m. event, open to the public and media, will be held at St. Mary’s University in Conference Room A of the University Center. Refreshments and conversation follow the lecture. For more information, call 210-431-8094.
Briel is former Director of the Center for Catholic Studies at the University of St. Thomas in Saint Paul, Minnesota. He holds a bachelor’s in History from University of Notre Dame, a Licence en Théologie from the University of Strasbourg and a Doctorat en Théologie Catholique from the University of Strasbourg.
He is a member of the Advisory Boards for the University of Chicago’s Lumen Christi Institute and the Notre Dame Center for Ethics and Culture. He’s also on the Advisory Council on Justice Education for the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities.
Briel’s scholarship focuses on John Henry Newman, Christopher Dawson and Catholic higher education. He has contributed to numerous publications such as “Education for Faith and Justice: Catholic Higher Education Today” and “Vatican II: Renewal within Tradition.”
The Catholic Intellectual Tradition Lecture Series is a free, annual series featuring men and women who have shaped the Catholic intellectual tradition at the heart of the educational enterprises at St. Mary’s. The 2014-15 series theme is “Faith Working Through Love: Grace of the Holy Spirit.”