July 31, 2012
St. Mary’s University has offered scholarships worth up to $4 million total to 229 exceptional middle and high school students from the San Antonio area.
The students all participated this summer in the San Antonio Prefreshmen Engineering Program (PREP), a program providing extra math and science coursework to promising students. PREP is held at various locations in San Antonio; the students at the St. Mary’s site were completing their third year of the program. The awards were presented at a graduation ceremony held on the St. Mary’s campus on Monday, July 30; the overall graduation for all PREP students was scheduled for Tuesday, July 31 on the University of Texas at San Antonio campus.
If the students attend St. Mary’s, they will receive the following amounts annually for four years, with a fifth year available if they study engineering:
- $13,500 per year to 25 students
- $3,500 per year to 95 students
- $1,500 per year to 93 students
Students in the program take a variety of courses intended to strengthen their skills in areas such as statistics, technical writing and math problem solving, in order to better prepare them for college. They participated in hands-on engineering projects and learned about career possibilities in math, engineering and science.