October 10, 2012
Henry Flores, Ph.D., dean of the Graduate School at St. Mary’s University, was sworn in as president of the Association of Texas Graduate Schools (ATGS) at the group’s annual meeting in September.
The association seeks to advance graduate study in the state of Texas by providing a forum for the discussion of ideals, aims, and problems in graduate studies faced by institutions of higher learning throughout the state.
At St. Mary’s, Flores has served as a departmental chairperson and directed graduate programs in Public Administration and Political Science. He has taught at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.
Since 1986, Flores has served as an expert witness in more than 50 federal voting and civil rights lawsuits including serving as the statistical testifying expert in NAACP v. Harris which focused on the presidential challenge in Florida in 2000. During state redistricting efforts in 2001, he was a senior policy analyst with the William C. Velasquez Research Institute, providing research on the racially polarized nature of the Texas electorate.
He graduated cum laude in 1974 from St. Mary’s with a bachelor’s in Political Science. He received both his master’s degree and doctorate from the University of California, Santa Barbara, in Political Science.