January 28, 2008
Gordon Hartman, founder of the Gordon Hartman Family Foundation, will address the Forum on Entrepreneurship Breakfast Series on Jan. 31. The series is a partnership between the Bill Greehey School of Business at St. Mary’s University and the San Antonio business community.
Hartman, a native San Antonian, built his first home at age 19 with profits from a lawn and landscaping business he began in high school. Gordon Hartman Homes was established from a small efficiency apartment in 1983 when Hartman began building homes for low-income families. He managed the growth of the company into the largest locally owned homebuilding and land development enterprise in San Antonio, also founding Gordon V. Hartman Enterprises, Horizon Mortgage Co., Hartman Title Co., Hartman Insurance Services and Nationwide Real Estate. Since selling his homebuilding company in 2005, Hartman established the Gordon Hartman Family Foundation, which awards grants to nonprofit organizations in Bexar County that help children and adults deal with mental and physical disabilities. Hartman runs a business and real estate investment company and resides in San Antonio with his wife, Maggie, and daughter, Morgan.
The event is Thursday, Jan. 31 at 7:30 a.m. at Pearl Stable at the Historic Pearl Brewery, located at 312 Pearl Parkway, Building 2. Registration starts at 7 a.m., breakfast at 7:30 a.m. and the speaker at 8 a.m. For more information or reservations, call 436-3124 or e-mail forumbreakfast@stmarytx.edu.
The purpose of the Entrepreneurship Breakfast Series is to advance entrepreneurial activities in San Antonio and promote the development of student scholarships at St. Mary’s. The series was started in 1986 by the late Brother Paul Goelz, S.M. It is conducted by the Meadows Center for Entrepreneurship Studies within the Bill Greehey School of Business at St. Mary’s University. Recent speakers have included Bill Greehey, board chairman of NuStar Energy; Colleen Barrett, chief operating officer of Southwest Airlines; and Dennert Ware, former president and CEO of KCI.