February 26, 2007
The drama department’s production of the play “Lovers: Winners” will open March 1 for a week-long run.
The play will be March 1-4 and 6-8, with all curtain times at 7:30 p.m. with the exception of the Sunday matinee which will begin at 2:30 p.m. The production is directed by Bernadette Hamilton-Brady, director of theatre, and will be held in the Reinbolt Theatre in the basement of Reinbolt Hall.
Written by Irish playwright Brian Friel, this is the story of two teenagers, Joe and Maggie, planning their life together while studying for final exams on a hill overlooking their Irish town. Maggie is pregnant. The action is interspersed with two adult commentators whose factual, impersonal descriptions make it clear the teenagers will be dead before the day is out. Friel’s dramatic irony is matched by his verbal brilliance, allowing the audience to understand more clearly the action than the principals do. The production will incorporate electronic media and Irish music.
Tickets are $10 for general admission, $7.50 for faculty, staff and senior citizens and $5 for students.