Summer Camps at St. Mary’s

St. Mary’s offers a variety of summer day camps designed to inspire and inform. Camps vary in length and subject; some of our most popular offerings include our Tech Camps and Musical Theatre Camp. Many camps are designed for middle school or high school students, while some are for much younger participants.

  • STEM Camps

SET Tech Camps

Game Development Camp

Tech Camps include 10, one-week long camps for high school students about technology fields at St. Mary’s University taught by University professors.

Campers may apply for up to three camps. Each camp meets Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. during various weeks in the summer between June 10 and July 26.

ASM Teachers Camps

St. Mary’s University’s School of Science, Engineering and Technology hosts a week-long ASM Teachers Camp during the summer to help math and science teachers introduce new and low-cost experiments into their classrooms to make student learning more interesting.

The camp is open to math and science teachers of students in grades 6-12.

Drone Programming Summer Camp

At Drone Camp, students will gain an introduction to drone concepts and operations. They will fly, build and program drones from scratch. The camp will emphasize the safe, legal and ethical use of drones as well as educate on drone application and careers.

Drone Camp is designed for high school students and students admitted to the School of Science, Engineering and Technology that have not declared a major.

Engineering Summer Camp

Engineering Camp

Have you ever imagined making a racing car, a bridge, a battery, a light bulb? St. Mary’s University is offering a four-day camp that will teach them the basics behind engineering. Participants will present their engineering concepts to the class and partake in competitions.

This camp is open to incoming 7th-9th grade students.

C³: Coding and Cyber Security Camp

Learning how to code and developing cyber security awareness have become national goals for K-12 students. St. Mary’s University will offer a five-day summer camp for 9th through 11th grade students to explore computer coding and cyber security. 

Campers will enjoy fun and hands-on activities while learning:

  • Coding with C-Programming
  • Coding with Python
  • Machine Learning
  • Cyber Security
  • Arts and Humanities Camps

Band Camp

St. Mary’s University’s Department of Music and Theatre Arts hosts a week-long Band Camp during the summer to help middle school and high school students advance their musicianship. Participants will work with exceptional teachers and performers, including a guest artist, on their instruments during a full day of rehearsals, sectional, technique classes and elective classes.

The camp is open to middle school and high school students in grades 6-12.

Musical Theatre Camp

St. Mary’s Musical Theatre Camp is a fun and unique experience that offers students ages 13-19 the opportunity to learn a full-length Broadway musical in just one week. Ending the week with two performances free to the public, every student will have a chance to showcase skills learned on the stage or behind the scenes. 

Students will also come together in the evenings for a fun and faith-filled retreat, where they will support each other and grow closer as an ensemble.

Orchestra Camp

St. Mary’s University proudly presents the first annual Summer Orchestra Camp this June! Join us for a structured week of orchestra rehearsals, technique classes, fun electives and a final concert. The camp is open to middle school and high school students in grades 6-12.

  • Esports Camp

Esports Camp

The St. Mary’s Esports Summer Camps provide boys and girls an opportunity to learn and compete in the growing world of esports. Camps include introductory sessions geared toward all skill levels and more competitive camps that teach specialized fundamentals and mechanics for popular titles such as League of Legends and Rocket League.

Esports camps are open to all campers ages 13-18.

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